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Anyone want to take over the world?


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So, just an update..I control my bedroom, hallway, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, and living room. There was shockingly little resistance on the whole. I received a lovely new addition to the armory, and had a meeting with other world leaders in my bedroom. The minutes were sadly lost in a small conflagration shortly thereafter.





Future Ruler of the World

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No. I called a meeting to see how many world leaders I could take out by myself.


I might as well warn you that any major world leader you see is not himself but a marauding robot. You can tell by looking at their eyes. :bot2:


But next time I have a gathering of THAT kind, you will be invited. I swear.

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Darn it. :swear: Alia's moving at a faster rate than I had planned. I probably only have a week in which to build myself a defense army and a fortress.


Better get busy, she only lives about a half mile away, and the woods and few houses in between won't be much of a challenge for her...


I am off!


Lynk: Those are at the naughty forums, you know, the ones with lots of X's in the names:brow:



There. Now I am prepared for her.

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Yesterday I told my parents I was going to rule the world. My mom was very supportive. She said "go for it." My dad was slightly more troubled my revelation....even more than the inhabitants of the hallway and bathroom. Being the fearless rebel that I am, I bravely DEFIED my wavering parent and attacked the kitchen within TEN MINUTES. Needless to say, it fell after a valiant struggle and I have now free access to all the foodstuffs in the kingdom.


Life is good.


On the other hand, a long, cold, bloody battle was fought slightly beyond the porch in the backyard. It turns out that the fool who packed the equipment (in a one-person army, who would that be?) forgot to bring a jacket. The weather was so hostile that my glorious army was forced to fall back and regroup. Luckily, there was a fine arsenal of winter type-clothing in one of the previously conquered rooms. Using these, we faced the yard again. This time, no finger trembled as we raised the flag of glory over its vanquished ruins!


In other news, I'm really annoyed with these banner ads catering to male sex drives and Rush Limbaugh fans.


Lots of love,



Future Ruler of the World

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