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Its been a long time.... its been such a loooong time...


erh... since I've shown my face around here. Whats going on? I haven't been here since the game was originally released. Any good MP maps or mods come out lately? We used to have a thread going about MP with the AT-STs. That ever happen?

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[bilbo from extended version of the Fellowship of the Ring]"Now...where to begin?


Ah, yes!"[/bilbo]


Well, for MP mods, there's ForceMod II and Dueler's mod, both very good and popular MP mods. There's also RenegadeOfPhunk's excellent Movie Battles mod. There's also a plethora of character models, everything from Battle droids to Darth Vader to Count Dooku to Kit Fisto. Check out http://www.jk2files.com and http://www.pcgamemods.com to find these and more! (Suddenly I feel like a salesman:p )


There have been no selectable vehicles in MP that I am aware of. There's been many vehicle maps released already for JA, though.

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Nice. Thanks for the update.


About that mod idea we kicked around back in the day... you can pilot an AT-ST in one of the JKO levels (right after the swamp on Yavin). We were kicking around the idea of having CTF maps with pilotable AT-STs. Was a promising idea. I wish someone took off with it but since JA allows some vehicles nuts to that!

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