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Jedi Master gametype mod for JA


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Provided there is an SDK released at some point, I intend to return the JM gametype to the Jedi Knight series.


Now, I know this is not everyone's favourite gametype, and that there were not as many servers for JM as for other JK2 gametypes (although there were some which were popular). However, I am confident the JM playing community is strong enough to support a mod. If you happen to think that I am wasting my time, you are of course entitled to your opinion, but I'm afraid that telling me will only be a waste of your time too.


The following list is of suggestions for gameplay tweaks and features for JMMod, some better than others. Those marked by a '?' are possibly interesting, but not terribly serious suggestions.


Whether the mod can be done only with server side code possibly depends on what client side JM code survives.


Comments, further suggestions and offers of help are welcome :)


In particular, mappers would be welcome, as IMHO the JA maps are not very suitable for JM (too expansive for one thing).


Force Powers/ Sabre



#Force rage (cheap tactic): Weaken and discourage use against only one enemy. For example, vary behaviour with numbers killed whilst raging or number of players on map. Varying recovery (time or vulnerability) good way of doing this. I suggest prototyping on Jedi Outcast to get right balance.

#Force pull (cheap tactic): include delay so that cannot be used repeatedly.

#Force regen varies with number of players on map

#weaken force heal, e.g. insert delay before it can be used again. Otherwise, with high force regen, usually necessary to hit JM with 100 points of damage at once. Note force drain below.

#force drain drains health of enemies as in SP, increases JM health beyond 100 (armour piercing, so care needed as want to keep lightning useful)

#force sense dodges Stouker alt fire (need defence against every weapon)

#force sense shows armour and health levels of enemies similar to SP

#JA stops players firing immediately after they have been force pushed - should this be changed back to JO style?

#Pushed flechette mines 'property' of JM (like pushed rockets), so JM gets kills from them (see note in TKs below)

#ability to change between 1 sabre, 2 sabres and sabre staff without respawning?

#improve force protect as under used? Maybe not if rage weakened





#Replace all blasters and bowcasters on a level with heavy repeaters and thermal detonators, as latter weapons of more use

#Change ammo type of heavy repeater to blaster pack as concussion rifle and flechette also use metal, and we do want people to actually use their repeaters, not just pick one up for ammo

#players spawn with better guns, e.g. blaster rifle and bowcaster, or a single thermal detonator

#increase rockets per clip from 3 to 4

#Seekers and sentries belonging to non-JMs only target JM

#Thermal detonators primary fire more powerful and larger radius (with bigger graphic - client code?) as of limited use otherwise. Alt fire remain same.

#DEMP drains force power reserves?

#DEMP reduces time spent raging?


Game Rules



#Deterent against team kills, e.g. at least half damage hits player firing weapon or votes for kick/bans triggered. Exception for trip mines.

#More than 1 point for killing JM

#Expand to team games: team of force and sabre users versus team of gun users (no mixed teams) (ideally keep light side and dark side powers equally useful)(teams may not be of equal size for balance)

#option for game type variation suitable for serious competition, e.g. each player gets a turn as JM and can score points until they die or time runs out

#option for more than one JM simultaneously depending on number of players

#delay between \kill and respawn to prevent attempts to get closer to sabre spawn spot





#Identify JM with more intimidating SFX

#use different JM SFX depending on whether light or dark in setup, maybe many options (would require client code)

#score table shows each player's kills of JMs and who is current JM (client code)

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  • 2 weeks later...

JM mode reactivated, menus changed, scoreboard changed and a few tweaks tweaked.


Just need some custom maps :D


Vehicles do not get on well with JM - not only can a Jedi Master enter a vehicle, but a vehicle (a Tauntaun, for example) can itself become a Jedi Master by running over the sabre :eek: It then gains the ability to force push rockets away.

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Nice work getting it back up. I never saw why they took it out - sure it wasn't very popular, but its hard to see a downside to leaving it in anyway. I always thought it was a good idea for a gametype, perhaps because it was too open to abuse and annoying playing tactics, it never really took off. I guess people prefer to all have sabers rather than get hacked to bits by one super powerful Jedi dude. Still, people tend to appreciate things more after they weren't there for a bit, so maybe some people will discover a newfound love for JM mode :)

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ui_main.c, line 1603


static const char* UI_GetGameTypeName(int gtEnum)




	return UI_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "JEDIMASTER");


to the switch command. Then in strings\English\MENUS.str (from assets0.pk3) add


LANG_ENGLISH        "Jedi Master"


Change the other MENUS.str files for other languages. (Well, you could probably just hardcode the string instead...)


From assets1.pk3, edit ui/jamp/gameinfo.txt to include JM.


This will make "Jedi Master" gametype appear on the menus and on level start screens.


Add JM mode to your mods by all means, but I am concerned that as there were so few JM players in JK2 anyway, having multiple JM mods might spread them too thin.


The -ONE- clan consists entirely of JM players, who mostly hang out on Gamecity.nl's JK2 JM server. I'm getting plenty of feedback from them, and I intend to make my mod the definitive JA JM mod.


[edit]I changed cg_info.c line 211 and cg_draw.c line 6977 too[/edit]

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haha. I came up with the exact same changes and was about to post them.


why did you change cg_draw.c line 6977?


Anyway, I've added support for all the old JK2 gametypes to OJP and have put you in the credits Mushroom. Do you have a prefered email/nick that you'd like listed?

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else if ( cgs.gametype == GT_JEDIMASTER ) {
		s = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "JEDIMASTER");


It was this bit I changed in cg_draw.c, actually 6983 needs to be changed (it says Powerduel for some reason). This function adds the gametype name to the warmup screen I (I've not bothered to test it).


Razorace, I'll PM my email address to you.


We have a new forum for JM elsewhere now:




Thanks to -ONE-Pike for that. I also have a couple of -ONE- people experimenting with custom maps.

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