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Ride the Lava!


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Are there any disruptor guys on Taspir? I definitely dont remember ever encoountering one.. but , well, here's my story.


I spawned a swoop to go try out this riding the lava stuff, and I was heading to the edgfe of the platform to jump onto the lava area, and by instinct, I pressed space by mistake. Now, I always play on the Jedi Knight or Jedi Master skill level, so I know that the enemies are at least minimally good, but when I jumped off the speeder by mistake, I got disrupted. I got one of those damned tunes and the spinning screen and the "You have been killed." and all those load options. I know for sure I didn't fall into the lava, because my body disssapeared into those little yellow particles, like in a fully charged disruptor shot. wtf is with that?


I certainly dont remember any disruptor units in that area, but, well, I can't count out the possibility that there was one (it was on Jedi Master, after all). Regardless computer AI isn't that good, and their reaction time had to be Jedi-like to make that shot... any explanations? :confused:

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