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Suggestion for forum rules amemedum


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I would like to see an ammendum to the forum rules.


first off..even if the question was asked and answered before you should provide a link to the other thread.


If you had a question and you discovered the answer yourself you should post link to the tutorial that helped you, so that other people who do a search on the forums and come to your thread they will have away to solve their problem instead of being stuck in a endless search of slurs and insults.


If you wonder why you never get answers to your question when you post and can never find a solution to your problems by performing a search, these are the reasons.




PS now procede to bash me like you do to anyone with either valid questions or good idea.

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Well, the thing is, a forum really shouldn't be a replacement for a really good tutorials site.


I think you've tapped in to a community need - there needs to be a thread that contains a huge list of links, and perhaps a FAQ that contains questions and links to tutorials.


The other thing, is that most of the questions asked, seem to be very n00bish.


Invoke the Google, for god's sakes.

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Actually yes there is a need for a good tutorial archive alot of the great tutorial where for Quake 3 and the site are dead, to bad no one had the foresight to back up the pages, and somehow get permission from the authors to host them.


As for the noobish question and the google search. do a search on say chrome shaders..and you will find 4000 results of game reviews and not one on actually writing a chrome shader..the issue and the solution is actually the archive and a one stop source for tutorial I got the space to host it. SO contact me via the PM option if you have a tutorial and I will start an archive of the tutorials.

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