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Bugs? Glitches? So many problems? Yet are there any cures...?

Lord Haine

Star Wars Galaxies, if you have it, do you think...  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Star Wars Galaxies, if you have it, do you think...

    • Its great, not too many bugs, very playable...
    • Erm, more bugs than i would have thought but im still playing...
    • Too many bugs, not good, not good at all...
    • Disgraceful...

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Hi i just want to say i am completely looking forward to getting SWG, but at the moment i have read so much publicity about bad things happening to it etc i mean just a few posts down you will see i responded to a post about glitching etc,


Please reply any thoughts you have at all...


But apart from that, which is the main thing about this post, there are a huge amount of complaints from the gamespot forums




Now please can people reply to me who have the game to say wether there is going to be a patch to sort out this disgraceful 1FPS in towns and busy areas and wether the servers are actually any good or are they slow and how much lag there actually is etc because i really want this game but i dont wanna be stuck with something that i have subscribed to that doesnt even work properly...




And please post on the poll...


[And by the way i know i sound like an idiot but i really just want answers]

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Well, if you played right after launch, you all know that it went smoothly, too smoothly for the games own good. Then the bugs came...and man there were a lot of them. But, it got better, this 1FPS is do to the fact that some people may not have good computers, or the server is lagging. U cant expect a game (even though its been about 6 months) to run perfectly immediatly. Im kinda addicted, and so far i've defended the game. Sure it has bugs, but most people bare with it. And u can't go trashing the game like Gamespot did. They made a review 3 weeks or so after launch. Personally i would have liked to comment on the person who wrote that, but i'll move on and get over it.

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I don't think the game is that buggy at all. Its extremely fun and it is a good idea not to be a powergamer... its taken me a week to get Engineering IV (Among several other skills) and I had great fun - skills take a long time to learn so don't get annoyed about that.


I have noticed one or two (Quite MINOR) bugs which didn't really affect my play and I'm even impressed that a game of this immense size isn't bugged to hell only a few months after launch - its very playable.


(Sorry if that post didn't make much sense ... I'm ... "Enebriated")

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Ok thanks for the reply people, but one thing is, what is a powergame lol, isnt it someone who plays all the time and trys to be the best at everything and kills everyone else? cause i wouldnt be one of them because that would suck, im not particuly worried about any bugs apart from this 1FPS one, which is really worrying me, it has only been happening since the mounts etc right? so there probably fixing it right now in a patch or something? because ive heard that its happening all the time whenever you go into cities etc it slows down for ages and sometimes comes back or sometimes shuts itself down, is this true? is anyone else having problems like these? if you are please mail on this thread, please keep up the replys!

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i've had problems with something like 1FPS...it only lasted for 10 sec though. On the gorath server my biggest and most annoying concern was the bug that made you crash everytime u attacked something. Now that was resolved the next day. So far i havnt had any real problems with the server, i'm running 256 ram on a cable conection. I need at least another 128 and i get less lag than some.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The game has dozens and dozens of silly bugs. Today i was trying to kill a Torton with 1 Hp left.. i was hitting it @1k a time but it was still alive!!


But theres just too many problems to list, let alone the crashing to desktop i have all the time.


Alot more needs fixing b4 they introduce new problems like speeders. Too many people have issues and although im not sure, how many out of the 300,000 are still playing?



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I have very little problem with the game really.


I have noticed some problems entering a new room or house and I suddently find myself in heaven, but nothing you can't get around.


Also, getting off my mount at times tend to either teleport me about 50 meters back or forward from it some times. Not sure if it is because I hit dismount too fast or not before the mount has fully stopped. Haven't really tried it out yet.

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I see, well thanks for all your replies everyone, but overall i find Darth's post very disturbing;


But theres just too many problems to list, let alone the crashing to desktop i have all the time.




And with that i think i may just drool over the KotOR pics on the website and get that with my new pc, then sit back and watch the forums with my wide dry dehidrated tired eyes untill some good news about SWG arrives about the 1 and now maybe 2 big problems im worried about,


1. The FPS bug.


2. Closing to desktop bug.


If anyone else is having this problem please post in this thread, also, please state your computer specs...?


Mine will be...


3.06GHz P4 with 800MHz and HT


ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128

2x 40GB HD


Thanks for the replys everyone! Keep 'em coming! :jawa

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Stick with KOTOR



Im sure Galaxies will be superb in a year or so...but not now. 6 months in, im left wondering is it all worth it...Yes because its Star Wars and the great community...no because of the farce that is how to become a Jedi and bug issues.


My PC specs


AMD athlon 2.0gig

1.1 gig ram

Ati radeon 9800 pro 128

80 gig h/d

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I'm not sure if I've encountered the so called FPS bug, but I know I've been kicked out to desktop from time to time. It's not so often that it annoyes me much, but of course I would have liked not to experience it. :D


I haven't experienced it at all though since I un-installed my anti virus program though. But that was just alittle under a week ago, so I'd say I should give it a couple of weeks before I decide if it's helped or not. :)


PS! That's is not the reason why I un-installed it though, it had problems updating itself so I were going to try and re-install it.

Obviously I haven't come that far yet. :D


Yes because its Star Wars and the great community...no because of the farce that is how to become a Jedi and bug issues.

I agree about the Jedi farce. People should be able to realise that this is not the right time for the Jedi and should thus not expect to become one.

Unfortunatly they do, so the Devs are forced to "help" alittle. :rolleyes:


My specs:

AMD Athlon 1.67

1.1 GB RAM

ATi Radeon 9700 PRO 128mb

Audigy 2 Soundcard

1024 Cable connection


Runs pretty well, but I wish I could set everything to max. :D

Currently the only thing I have at max is view distance. :)

Everything else is set to medium, and Global Terrain Detail and Terrain High Detail Range almost at minimum.

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I see, well, thanks for all your replies and thoughts, i think i'll (like Darth said) stick with KotOR for a while, then think again about getting SWG, thanks again, and i'll cya around, hopefully. Haine.




*You see Haine walk off slowly into the sunset over the hilltop*...

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