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Monkey Island 4 - Video "default" mode??

Eddie VanHelgen

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Playing Monkey Island 4 on a PIII laptop, already played it there successfully once before... now it shows the 3D characters against a 2D cartoon background that looks like it was done in MS Paint, showing Timmy's hut, the sun and a palm tree. It says it is in "default mode". Looks like maybe how the programmers tested characters before backgrounds were rendered. For instance, first scene with Guybrush tied to mast on ship, nonetheless the background is as described above. Anybody know how I got here or how I can get out???

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Thats the test room for EMI, where does it say default mode?


I am very, very interested in knowing how you got there. It may be that you've inadvertantly managed to activate debug mode.


Please list what you've done recently and perhaps we can work out how you ended up there. Also try key combinations and see if you can skip rooms and things, eg shift and R or control and R.


Of course it could also be a random glitch, but theres always the chance that you've stumbled into debug mode.

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Hi, thanks for responding. Really didn't do anything except press "Play Monkey Island" and then "New Game". However, this computer has been getting buggy lately, I think the OS file system may be corrupted. Also, the CD ROM access speed is slow. I tried shift + keys and ctrl + keys, but shift/ctrl + R didn't do anything. The usual toggle joystick, toggle text mode type things did work. It's actually someone else using the computer, so I wasn't sure if they did something to get to this mode. I thought maybe there was a set of keystrokes or something for the programmers to test. But the user tells me they didn't do anything unusual, and when I tried to play a new game, I got the same result. By the way, the cut-scenes play as normal.

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