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Jedi? BAH!

Mon Cal


19 members have voted

  1. 1. Jedi?

    • yeah i'll waste all my time doing it
    • maybe i'll try...but im not gonna kill myself
    • jedi? who needs em

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ya, its me, the ranting fish full of knowledge. well heres my opinion on jedi. *spit*. First off, its too easy to become a jedi. *hears cry's of "but we have to master bounty hunter and commando"* Big deal, i mastered musician in 2 months, u guys can master BH quicker. I mean, well i guess the concept that the FSC is linked to holo's is ok...but its a bit....dry. I personally think that a series of chain events should happen. Second off, the current jedi diminished the entire purpose of the jedi. THIS GAME IS AN RPG. the jedi (in my opinion) were put in to add a twist to RP and general gameplay...not flashing out ur lightsaber and doing tricks while oncomming newbs gasp. My final problem is, who wants to go through months of killing to pursue a hopeless dream. Sure...i guess u can waste 8 hours a day playing......i mean...who really wants to have a girl friend any way. The holo drop rate is gonna go down to like.....1 holo every 100000000000000 kill (exageration for thos smart alec's). I personally will sit back, play music, and laugh and laugh and laugh.


p.s. I'm sorry moderators if my post is a bit too...errrr forceful, i was trying to make a point and got carried away. Feel free to shut my post down but i need to be heard. Lasic of gorath will not be silenced (unless the nice moderators threaten him .....:D)


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IM with ya Fish Face ! Jedi vodoo ! BAH ! totally ridiculous! like i siad before, i never saw Yoda dancing in the cantina because a holocron told him to...Yoda says "within you the force is strong" But u need to find some holocrons luke, sorry ,, good luck thoe"

Luke screams" AHHHHHHHH Yoddddaaaaa" ...



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I was also disappointed that all you had to do was master whatever professions the holocrons told you. But then, I was disappointed upon hearing about the FS character slot, instead of the character you were actually playing becoming FS. Doesn't exactly lend aid to the whole RPing aspect, does it.


Hm, the previous paragraph doesn't sound ranty enough...


You know what I really hate? People who spam the starting location of a city with shouts offering credits for holocrons. Especially when those people buy the holocron for a million credits, then sell it for two. The next time I see it happen, I shall attatch jump leads from a power droid to his nipples and fry him like a cajun catfish!


Er, no offence intended, Mon Cal. :p

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I'm with you! Jedi should just be more special! Master 4 professions, Open force sensitive slot, Start FS char, there seems to be no "magic" to it. Yes it needs to be attainable to keep some people interested in the game, but over a longer time perhaps. Or just make the survival rate for new FS chars very low.

:rolleyes:This seems to be a hoby of mine, the only time I post it seems to involve killing Jedi. But that's what I think it should be like.


20 minutes should be the life expectancy for a new Jedi- houses and player cities should be raided by Vader himself, trying to find and kill the little blighters!! If you've got a Jedi in your PA, your PA should be hunted down like dogs.


Was that ranty enough? I can go on?:hang1:

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heh glad to see im not the only one who feels jedi lack content. Well im sure many of you out there are mad cause i dissed the jedi so bad...boo hoo. Any way im glad i was ranty enough. I just try to be careful 'cause i've seen several threads been shut down and i wasnt sure wat for heh.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The so called 'creative team' need sacking.


The whole Jedi thing is very lame and I am a firm believer that those Jedi currently around are just Devs or CSRs to prove to the community they are out there.


Poor, like most of the game content.



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