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Some Questions...


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I've read up about your idea on your website and it seems like a good story, and i hope it will be a good...no great mod. ;)


Just got a few questions for you....


1) What type of Reborn will the player be, example, will he be a JK2 Reborn with limited powers or a Reborn Boss with Level 1 or 2 Grip or lightning...?


2) What reborn model are you planning to use for players characther, Old Reborn, New Reborn, or Reborn Twin...or are you making a new Reborn model ? (Oh and what skin will you use for the Reborn, or will it be a custom one ?


3) Will the player be limited to say, 3 weapons or will he be able to pick up every weapon. ?

(Perhaps limiting it to 3 or 2 would introduce certain RPG elements ;))


Let me think of some more questions, hehehe... :D

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1) Your Force Powers will grow throughout the course of the MOD!


2) It will be the New Reborn, probably using the default skin. Some of the screenshots are very old, and the playermodel seen there is incorrect!


3) I'll look into this, but at the moment I don't think it's possible to set a limit for how many weapons you can carry! If it is, we'll set a limit at 3 or so!


That about covers it, I think!:)


Any more questions?:D

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1) Your Force Powers will grow throughout the course of the MOD!


2) It will be the New Reborn, probably using the default skin. Some of the screenshots are very old, and the playermodel seen there is incorrect!


3) I'll look into this, but at the moment I don't think it's possible to set a limit for how many weapons you can carry! If it is, we'll set a limit at 3 or so!


That about covers it, I think!


Any more questions?


Cool, sounds good. :D

Oh and yay! that your going with the New Reborn :p


(A way you could limit weapons is to make them unpickuppable by the player ;))


Couple more questions...


1) Need any help on anything...i haven't much skills, but if i could help you guys, it would be an honor. :D


2) Will you be making new weapons, or are you not bothered and just sticking with JAs standard weapons ?


Thats all i can think of at the moment, its 6 am here... :(

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(Didn't see your last post untill after I posted mine, Tesla)


Well, for skins, we need some "scientists", in other words, an alternate uniform for the Imperial Officers! Perhaps white (though I'm not sure if that would look "Imperial-ish")... Think you can make it?:)

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(Didn't see your last post untill after I posted mine, Tesla)


Well, for skins, we need some "scientists", in other words, an alternate uniform for the Imperial Officers! Perhaps white (though I'm not sure if that would look "Imperial-ish")... Think you can make it?


I'll give it a shot, yeah. :D


Might take me a few times to get it right though. Bit rusty on me ol skinning skills...but i'll try. :)

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Well, concerning the customizing feature:


It was very, well, USELESS compared to the big size that it would fill... Not even 10% done with it, it filled 12 megabytes... So I talked with a lot of people, and nearly all agreed that we should skip that part... It's also been removed from the screenshots archive now...



Tesla, thanks for trying it out!:)

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