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Need help with customization!!!


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Could you guys help me since I have 0 experience in this thing?


I want to know how to mess around with the pk3 files, just basic stuff, like changing the playermodel, some character stats, these kind of things.


How do I edit those files, where to edit, etc.


Thanks in advance.

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First of all, make a copy of your GameData folder (Copy of GameData) and leave your original GameData files unaltered, or else you won't be able to enter Pure servers.


Working with the files in your Copy of GameData folder, you can use WinZip to open and extract the files in the assets?.pk3 files. Most configuration files are simple text files that can be edited with Wordpad. Then Freshen the .pk3 files with WinZip and use the jamp.exe and jasp.exe programs in Copy of GameData to play the game and see the results.


Use your original installation when you go online.

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Sorry people, I really SUCK at this...


I added assets0.pk3 to a zip file, but I still can't find the NPC files.


All I get when I open it with WordPad is a lot of codes, like squares and s***, you know?


If anyone can explain this better to me, how to edit the NPC files, I would appreciate it.



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Hum... when I try to change an NPC file and save the changes to it, Winzip creates a new file, wich is the one I edited, but it loses its "path".


So, for example:

I want to edit stormtrooper.npc (its path is ext_data, or something like that)


I edit it, a new stormtrooper.npc file is created, but with no path, wich makes it impossible to spawn in the game.

How do I get around this?


Argh, this is hard :hang1:

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WinZip will preserve the directory structure of a file within the zip or pk3. When you extract a file to work on it, you must preserve the same directory structure, then drag the whole directory back into the pk3 file.


For instance, say you open assets1.pk3 with WinZip to work on the stormtrooper.npc file. If you look on the far right side of the WinZip window you'll see Path ext_data\npcs\. That means stormtrooper.npc is inside a folder named npcs that is inside another folder named ext_data. So when you extract that file, say to your Desktop, you won't get a file, you'll get a folder named ext_data. Open that folder and the npcs folder will be inside. Open that folder and stormtrooper.npc is inside.


Do whatever with stormtrooper.npc using Wordpad. Then save and close the file. Then close the npcs folder and the ext_data folder. Now drag the ext_data folder into the WinZip window. It will give you a dialog box. Select Freshen files. It will then update stormtrooper.npc with your newer file, while preserving the directory structure because you kept the file in it's folder(s). See, it's simple!


Now again, I hope you are doing this with copies of your pk3 files, not the originals. Don't alter the originals.

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I'm having problems as to the saving part.


See, when I extract the file and edit it with WordPad, it is not as simple as "Saving". I get an "acess denied" message.


I tried copiyng the file, editing it (the new), deleting the old one and renaming the new file with the name of the old, then transfering it to the WinZip window. Then I selected "freshen files", but it didn't work :confused:

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Hey lince, try not to double post. here, you triple posted. a double post is when you post twice in a row without anyone else's posts in between. Use the Edit function in the bottom right corner of your post to add info and things you forgot to type. Then. if you did double post, you can edit out the second post and apologize so the mods don't b!tch slap you lol :D just trying to be nice

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Originally posted by Lince

I'm having problems as to the saving part.


See, when I extract the file and edit it with WordPad, it is not as simple as "Saving". I get an "acess denied" message.


I tried copiyng the file, editing it (the new), deleting the old one and renaming the new file with the name of the old, then transfering it to the WinZip window. Then I selected "freshen files", but it didn't work :confused:


Freshen when you are updating a file with the same name with a newer one. You don't need to delete the older version. But if you did for some reason, use Add instead of Freshen.

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