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Help Can't start MI4

Dink Threepwood

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I've had, and finished MI4 for ages now. I came back to play it again on my new computer and it won't work.


I'm running Windows 2000 with a Radeon 9700 Pro card with DirectX 9b (or whatever the latest is..), Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, The latest drivers for my video card and the MI4 patch.


When I run it just quits back to the desktop. No graphics, no noises, no intros, no game.


I can't run the configuration thing as it says "Monkey.exe has generated errors and will be closed."


I've tried changing from OpenGL to DirectX and back gain (via editing the registry) but it doesn't help.


The autorun menu works (i.e. monkey4.exe) but the game itself crashes (well it doesn't say anything...) back to desktop.


Please help,

I really, really want to play MI4 again! :)


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Originally posted by Dink Threepwood

I've tried changing from OpenGL to DirectX and back gain (via editing the registry) but it doesn't help.


You can actually do that using the autoplay menu and is actually recommended considering editing your registry can be risky at the best of times.


Apparently, there is problem with the application itself. You've probably already done this, but if not, uninstal and reinstall the game completely. if that doesn't work, then i don't know what to tell you other than to either buy/exchange another copy of the game or if that doesn't work, it's your system so i would sugest running your antivirus software for viruses and also doing a complete disk check on your system drive. Defragging won't help much, but it's worth doing anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi , i don't have a solution for your problem , but i have one question for you .

You have try to launch syscheck before install MI4 . If this executable file crash , you have my same problem.

I have this configuration: win2000 directx 9 video ti 4200.

I have to try many video drivers , but nothing.

I have install winxp and the game run, but i don' t want winxp, like my operation sistem.

the syscheck crash when try to check the cpu

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