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Ugggh, no. The Holocron is really the only badly done part of the original. I know, its modeled after the AoK concept of Holy Staffs or something, but the trouble is, why Holocrons? In the GFFA, holocrons are extremely rare. And they don't increase your wealth, they are a tool used by Jedi Masters to unlock the secrets of the Jedi.


So maybe they could have a similar concept, but *not* call them Holocrons. That really bugged me.

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Again it was gameplay coming into it I honestly don't mind holocrons they are good for game play everything cannot be realism you all need to see this.


They should be more protected and closed off so its a challenge to get them like wild animals surrounding it and 1 padawan cant retrieve it on his own.

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Frozted is right, they add to gameplay, however in my design I've done away with holocrons and invented other ways the civs can receive trickles of resources.


Even though it really is just renaming AoK's Relics, I don't feel it was too abstract a concept. However since holocrons are purely EU I'd like to do away with them :D


And Luke's Dad, is this just a desire to see them done away with so I wouldn't have beaten you? ;)

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I agree with Vostok (wow) on this one. Holocrons were just a ripoff of relics and made no sense, but an additional method for gaining wealth is a must, seeing that it is really the only exhaustable resource in the game. Maybe if we mde trade morte effective? Or now that nova is widened inot wealth, we can add unique additionl ways to gain it (like taxes for the imps or raiding for the rebs?)

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Trading with yourself is a fairly uninteresting and uninspired answer. It might be okay as a special ability for one or two civs, but overall that makes things too easy. With holocrons you had to go out and secure them, with self-trading all you so is build traders.


Sith, have a look at some of the extra wealth gaining abilities in my SWGB2 design.

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I want holocrons out.

However, to replace this, i have used what i think is an even more interesting credit-producing scheme.


First ofall, the Hutt's get the 'moisture farm' as their unique building and this generates credits for them. Anyway, all civs get the spaceport which is your center of trading.

When one is built, you can start trading with your allies, as in most games, but also, independant traders will start visiting your spaceport (entering and leaving off-screen), with this generating credits for you.


To me, this is more interesting, realistic and more fun than getting Jedi to grab holocrons, plus it makes your spaceport more realistic and important.

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Opening a new Jedi Tech Tree would be a bit too much.It makes the game concentrate too much on the Jedi. Increasing some of their abilities ahould be just fine.


As for the rarety, they should be like they are now. It works fine as long as the advantages are not too great. If they're great, then they should be very rare and protected by tons of animals.

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If they only affect Jedi, then those who dont plan to use many jedi will leave them be, while those people who use jedi, especially civs who benefit jedi, will gladly be able to get this extra bonus. In essence, it serves as an extra bonus for the jedi-centric civs, and a detraction for the non-jedi centric civs, who dont get a similar bonus for their focus units.

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Exactly people don't have to build jedi at all to win. Just focus your time and resources into pumping out and war machine and your ready to conquer focusing on jedi are just to add to your war machine or do a little stealthy recon and disable the factories behind enemy lines. Maybe even a little recon to find out what your enemy is planning or just mass about 30 of them and have a large Jedi scale war :)

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