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Anyone else hate the crosshairs!?!


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I'm sure this has been mentioned before, so forgive me, but I recently dusted off Jedi Outkast and quickly remembered why I stopped playing it. G*dd*mn f**k*ng piece of sh*t stupid f**k*ng worthless sonofab*tch b*st*rd f**king crosshair repositions intself anytime someone gets close to me. Now I don't know if it doesn't make a difference game-play wise, but it sure as heck screws me up. I waste so much ammo shooting at air because the crosshair moved and I tried to compensate while the blasted stormtrooper ran towards me while I was shooting. B*tch. It's like all the storm troopers get together and say "hey, if we all rush him his crosshairs will change position and we can kill his dumb a**". I've fiddled with options and I can't find a way to make them stationary. Is there a way? If not, any advice on how to adjust to this aspect of the game?

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His isn't just screwing up at all, maybe you just haven't noticed it. It's not open for debate whether this happens or not, playing with cg_dynamicCrosshair set to 1 will result in an erratic crosshair which can be extremely annoying, for this reason anyone with half a brain will use cg_dynamicCrosshair "0".

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