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Dismemberment Is Not Working (Naughty cfg file)


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I've read quite a few old threads and I have seen some people happily skip off with their problem fixed, but for me it just won't work. Ever since I installed the patch, my sp adventures have been utter hell, I've grown so used to the dismember setting, JKA is not the same game without this turned on to me. Whenever I set the proper options in the config file the game goes and resets them back to 0. Why does my config file keep doing this? I saw another thread that talked about this, but it had no resolution and no one ever figured out what kept making those options reset themself, I've tried so many different configs in the short cut and config file I don't know what to do. I feel like I'll die if I don't cut another storm trooper in half. :(

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Hmm, I just started over fresh with an older cfg file I had saved a way for emergencies and now the dismemberment settings are working kind of, the settings aren't being overwritten, but now it's only half working. I already have probabilities set to 100 and I set the other settings on 3 from the previous 2 and I still can't get constant dismemberment. Sometimes only legs will come off despite me hitting the whole body, other times nothing will fall off at all no matter how many times I hit them. Also, what ever happened to that mod that guy said he was going to make? I remember in almost every dismemberment thread I looked at he posted a link to a thread about a menu mod like it was already done or something. Is this still being worked on, and when will it be out?

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