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saber damage


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hey guys, i was trying to set up a server with both x mod and trying some of the things on Amidala's chop shop with the increased saber damage and decreased force regen time. every cvar i used in my server.cfg file has worked perfectly so far but i tried looking for the cvar to change the saber damage, i was thinking it was g_saberwalldamagescale but it didn't seem to change anything, any help would be appreciated :)

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Amidala uses INCREASED (not decreased) force regen time, btw.

; )


My server (the Meatgrinder) uses standard force regen time (200) and stronger sabers than normal (2x) but not as strong as Amidala's (5x).


Btw, I found a pic of Amidala I took on Coruscant that I want to share with you (hope she doesn't mind, don't worry it's all in fun):

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Amidala uses INCREASED (not decreased) force regen time, btw.

; )


My server (the Meatgrinder) uses standard force regen time (200) and stronger sabers than normal (2x) but not as strong as Amidala's (5x).


Btw, I found a pic of Amidala I took on Coruscant that I want to share with you (hope she doesn't mind, don't worry it's all in fun):


Actually, he had it right, force regenerates 4x faster (1/4 the time) on the FFA-CTF server, 20x faster on the Instagib servers (I know, but that's the way they like it, and those guys are hardcore instagib\CTF-only players).


Actually, just like people learn to speak Klingon, I can read a little bit of the text above that picture of me. Hmmm, it says: "For....a....good....time.....call....Amidala...at.........", um, I can't make out the rest.

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Actually, he had it right, force regenerates 4x faster (1/4 the time) on the FFA-CTF server, 20x faster on the Instagib servers (I know, but that's the way they like it, and those guys are hardcore instagib\CTF-only players).


I apologize. Realize it was late when I posted that. Yes, I was thinking to myself "the force regenerates faster" so I wrote "INCREASED"... when in reality that would mean the TIME (forceregentime) it took to regenerate was increased!


Ah, the logic of the sleep deprived brain. ; p

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