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Enhanced Ideas: "Z-Targeting"


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For those of you who played either Zelda on N64, you know what I'm talking about. Basically a little aiming recitle (or however you spell that) comes up and you push button. Now until you press that button again, you're always facing them. This would be great for more 'movie eqsue' duels, as well as allowing for a Masters of Teras Kasi style of gameplay (with some additional coding). Anyways, just a thought. It's a cool idea, but the 'balance' thing comes into play. Maybe assign it as a new force power?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think a z-targeting button would be cool and you could still get people in the back if they didnt have you locked on.


perfect aim if there standing still and delayed if they are moving so as they still have a chance


and give it a limit on how far you can have a lock on and make it so that there is something that tells you who you are locked on thank you for you time

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no i meant that if you z target with guns it sort of follows only slower than a player can run except it is also influenced by the crossahair ie enemy runs to right screen slowly follows but if you also turn your crosshair to th right ti speeds up sorry for any confuseion

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Originally posted by da_chimp

no i meant that if you z target with guns it sort of follows only slower than a player can run except it is also influenced by the crossahair ie enemy runs to right screen slowly follows but if you also turn your crosshair to th right ti speeds up sorry for any confuseion


Please note that I deleted the double post of this. :)


Anyway, to reply, I was planning on adding some "slop" to the ztargeting just like you suggested. :)


I primarily had it in mind so that people will be able to use Mouse Sabering (planned feature for the future) but it works for this too. :)

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