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10000 Pt Bonus for the Coalition

Commander 598

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Those search teams are thorough! They even got a doctor to check Saddam's mouth and body for weapons of mass destruction!


Speaking of points, what are they in respect to this forum? I see a listing for them, but nobody has any. Or is someone hoarding them all for their own nefarious purposes I wonder?

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Wow, you have been gone a while!

The points were to buy little personalizations (a glowing or italicized username for example, or a graphical sig) from a forums store. You gained them by posting or by having people donate them to you.

Long story short: The whole thing self-destructed and was eventually abandoned for a different system based on a combat mode which seems to have petered out from lack-of-interest for the most part.

The Powers-That-Be just never removed the little points tally spot from our user IDs for some reason. It's just a useless holdover from an experiment gone amuck.

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