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krayt dragons


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Nah its not empty...you get the odd few banthas and tuskens wandering around. It's touch and go if you'll find the living Krayts though... You'll have to constantly circle the graveyard on the cliff faces. If you're lucky you'll get a lair, and feed on Krayt's to your hearts content. One note though - a lot of players will descend on the Krayt while youre in combat with it - it will effectively become a feeding frenzy of players... even an adult Krayt cant handle a few pairs of AT-ST's.

Hope this helps.

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Krayts can be rare in the actual graveyard itself, I had more luck in the dunes just before you reach the graveyard......


One tracking search turned up a giant canyon krayt and a juvenile canyon krayt......


I you're on Farstar (europe) and wanna go krayt hunting send a tell to Spoff and i will come with you......I am a Ranger with good tracking skills and will find a krayt for you:)

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It comes as a tool you can place on your Hotbar.


you press the key and it asks what you would like to track......animals....people....players etc. after you have selected it tells you what animals.....people......players are in the area to within 500m.


It also gives you the distance and direction of them (when you get higher up the tracking skill)


Hope that helps



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Your radar only shows different coloured dots for different kinds of creatures (red for dangerous etc.), people etc, it doesn't say what they are or how far away they are, plus your radar covers a pretty big area so you could be wondering around looking for a particular creature for a very long time and never even find it.


Tracking is a way of pinpointing "exactly" where a particular kind of creature is, Rangers are very useful in a hunting group looking for particularly hard to find creatures.....Krayts, Gorax, etc.


To become a ranger you need to reach Master scout level then find a Ranger trainer.

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Eventually by the time you reach Master Ranger you will be able to:


Construct field bases (containing crafting stations etc.) instead of just camps.


Mask the scent of and camouflage other players from hostile creatures to make group terrain negotiation easier.


Draw creatures which are attacking another player onto you, to save the player from death.


Move on foot over terrain faster than any other player (unless they are a master ranger too)


Make advanced traps like trip-wires (which knock a creature / NPC flat on their back whilst you attack them) and heavy claw traps (which root a creature / NPC to the spot while you attack them).


Harvest far more Hide / meat / bone from a creature than just a Master scout can.


Examine creatures to determine the best place to shoot them to bring them down more quickly, and also assess their vulnerabilities (like what kind of weapon damages them the most)


The list goes on and on.....that's just a few of the skills I have already.


Hope that helps



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