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Vehicles out today


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Will this be like mounts? Do you think people will actually be charging 1 million credits for a vehicle? And what ch skills will I need to use my graul? I am 2300 now. Can I use him at 3300? I will have to drop another skill because I have 0 skill points left:(

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Vehicles will be out on Friday. The funny thing is, they still have alot of bugs and yet still, they are releasing them. They just wont learn.



As for prices...probably.



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i'm pretty sure the pet levels will work like this:


Level I - +2 level

Level II - +3 level

Level III - +4 level

Level IV - +5 level


I also think the novice level moves to starting at +10 (means a total of 66 levels plus whatever bonus you get at master).


so at 3-3 you'll be able to call 28 - which means no grauls. but you just need to go snag one level 1 and you're all set.

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they'll be high early on but probably not that high (if they are they'll come down quick). simply put everybody can get the resources to make them if they want, there's probably more master artisans than CHs with the needed skills (they were pretty high up to do mounts) and there's no waiting period to train them.

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I've only worked out the price for the swoops, but I will sell it for 24.000 Cr plus taxes (I believe 5% in my city, totalling to 25,200 Cr). That's the most expensive one.


The Landspeeder and Speederbike will be cheaper, between 10,000 and 20,000 Cr somewhere.


NOTE: Anyone paying 1 million credits for a vehicle has been a subject of a fraud!!! :D

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Vehicles will be out on Friday. The funny thing is, they still have alot of bugs and yet still, they are releasing them. They just wont learn.



As for prices...probably.




Ok then, you buy yours friday. I just purchased mine :)

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Actually, the vehicles did come out today instead of Friday. Who knows what it is going to be like and the prices, well jsut like the CH's were spammed I am sure the Artisans will be too. This should be interesting to see, can't wait until I get home to find out. :amidala:

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