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Demo sound quality...

Guest Fizz_36

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Did anyone else experience some really low quality sounds with there demo? Some of the sounds are good quality, like blaster bolts, but some of them really bad. Also, there doesn't seem to be very many channels, some sounds would cut off half-way through in order for other sounds to play.


One more thing, the AT-PT's seem to moon walk, there feet move half as slow as they should. This gives a very strange effect :)



mmm pictures :atat::fett::vadar:

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Guest Tie Guy

it was like that with ALL of the empire's mechs. I hope it isn't like that with the ATAT, i'm still trying to figure out how that would work. ;)

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Guest Fizz_36
However that got fixed right after I did the speed upgrade.

What upgrade?


Didn't any of you guys notice the AT-PT moon walk? Get one and move it somewhere not in a group. On mine it was very very very noticable (in SP that is, I haven't tried MP).


Also, didn't anyone else have the bad sound quality?

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