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So called Holocron giveaway...


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Okay, so most of you have probably read the happy holidays announcement on the official forums which said players were getting Holocrons. I was thinking cool, only started playing about 2 weeks ago and I'm already getting a christmas pressie, how nice :). I then read the forums today and find out its for characters over 3 weeks old only :(. Why couldn't sony have said this from the very start?


Its like someone telling "Hey! I am going to give this cool present!" You think "great!" then a while later they turn round and say "No sorry, you aint getting one". Kinda disappointing in a way. And just shows how much lack of respect sony has for its customers...

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Bah thats not Fair at all, Stupid SOE screwing new players now.....


Would have been much better if all Accounts were allocated 1 Holocron that would be assigned to the character of thier choice.


This could have been done by adding a NPC in game that asked for a Sinlg e use ID COde so that the Account holder could choose the character they wanted the holocron for.


Not fair, not fair at all........

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SOE = Lame


But I think it's good. For those of us who have killed dozens up dozens of Force Sensitive people, Surface Marshals, Abandoned Rebels, etc. (i.e. Me), and not found one holocron, this giveaway is good.


Sucks that you have to be three weeks old, though. Sorry man :(

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Yeah I know, I dont really mind the fact that players over 3 weeks old are getting Holo's, just wish they had said upfront... And the announcement page which originally said "ALL PLAYERS" has now been editied to say Characters over 3 weeks old :rolleyes:.


Wishing now I had taken a screenie of the original page, but the now editied page is here:- http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/content.jsp?page=Happy%20Holidays%202003


Quite funny the way they consider 3 weeks to be veteran but anyway...


I also feel sorry for all those people on infinity as thats only a week old server and no-one on there will be getting one :(.


As for your suggestion Dai2k, IMO that would certainly cut down the amount of cross server holotrading and people just creating characters just to get a holo. Would have kept most people (and importantly the new players - as they are the lifeblood of any game) reasonably happy.


{Edited for typo's}

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I am guessing that the people at sony were being nice and wanted everyone to be pumpped up and feel the happy cheer . so that told everyone early.

Then they saw a butt lode of people creating new people on all these diffrent servers and posting trade deals. D'oh...

What to do ? the new people are screwed because some hardcore but schewd players will use this a holo farm.

I guess they could have made the holos non-tradable. That really would have screwed non-fighting class people, or groups that hunt holo's. someone picks it up and boom. holo to the fastest or devious.

This option is better then making them non tradable. I am wondering how many people read the boards and then ran to buy the game based only on the ideal they were going to get a holo. some maybe but I am guessing not that many.

No one to thank but the people that were screeming about the great holo trade cross server. In fact, if a person just created 1 extra person it would not have flagged the dev. But I am guessing it must have shot thrue the roof the number of new people created on the servers and the selling scams.

Who is really being the bad people. the dev or the people using nice things others do to advance themselves?

The people on the Europen servers could always use the US servers. I am not sure where the game came out for them. ( that is a tough break and dissappointing I do feel for them)

I wish we could all play nice and the dev not have to play catch up to fix exploits ( do not get me wrong, I know people do what they want, they are people, but do not get mad when your bad actions cause a bad reaction) to keep the game balanced.

I bet the dev would like to spend more time making the game better in a context way vs all the time used to fix exploites that unbalance the game.

You do see all the new faction buildings that popped up last week. Right?

That is but one sample of unbalance and another is the many millionairs on the servers where it is hard to buy good stuff because newer players or normail players can not buy really good stuff. the rich folks buy and store it.

Action reaction.

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Ya know...

I have to agree with SOE only giving out to characters over 3 weeks old....can you imagine the exploit if they had announced it and all the bums made a ton of toons on other servers then started the server trading?


Im sorry for the actual true people who started this game within 3 weeks, but for those who have worked diligently for WEEKS to find the elusive Holocrons, its a nice present from SOE. For those of you new, learning the game is important...and if you get into a nice guild, I'm sure there will be several out there that people dont need. Our guild is holding our spares for those who are genuinely interested in becoming a Jedi.

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Originally posted by cloudburst1211

Well even though I have only been playing two weeks - I still got my christmas holocrons on all my characters (including the one on Infinity) :D


Not a bad result in the end :).


Hope everyone else gets theirs too :).


Merry Christmas! :D


Thats because some people didn't get them the first time around so they went ahead and gave everyone 1 holo per character. So some people will have 2 now. I stayed up late last night trading and got 4 holos for my main character. The first one told me to master tailor :(

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_RyyniC_ : why do you feel bad about master ID???? is the easiest profession to master.



I'm against macro users but if you really need help, there's a macro you can set up to get all your ID xp fast.


you just need someone who will be clicking ok all the time and you don't need to change anything, just set up a small macro, get some mind buffs and you can try to beat the record of time Mastering ID 1 hour 17 mins ;).


if you need help and aleady got someone who will accept to help you just PM and I'll tell you the macro.



OH! BTW: anyone would like to do some cross servers trades? I would like to have some holos on Scylla (to sell them :p) if my starsider got two holos like the scylla one, I have two for trading :p

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Mine told me chef, and screw that, I hate doing chef. it figures that after I tried alot of different professions that the Single one that I hated doing the most is my requirement! This is quite a rip-off after all the money I shelled out buying the game, then upgrading everthing needed to get my comp able to run the game and the months it took me to figure out what I wanted to do with the character.

Hey, SOE, I'm never going to be a jedi I guess because I DON"T PAY MY HARD EARNED MONEY TO BE TOLD TO JUMP THROUGH HOOPS.

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Neo, if you had realized that this is a game taking place in a virtually Jedi-less time period, like most people have, then you should have figured out already that Jedi will be scarsh and hard to obtain.


If it were easy to obtain then this would not be the Star Wars we know anymore. It would hurt the continuity and the Star Wars feel if thousands or even just some hundred Jedi were running around. It would put this game back in the Old Republic age instead of the Imperial age.

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I think all you people complaining about what profession the holo told you to master should shut your holes. No one told you you had to be a jedi, and if you had the determination, you would do what the holo told you to do.


Consider this, masters of any crafting profession are the richest people in the galaxy! This makes you rich, therefore you can buy more holos! Is mastering the obscure chef profession, or the image designer so bad? Yea, there easy to master with macros, and think of how obscure they are? How many image designers do you see walking around? You would make tons of money if you were a master :).

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