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Duel Server< Ja+ 1.4 Mod


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ok guys, heres my deal...........trying to setup a duel server......but am getting some probs....this what i want to do



i want:


1-no force

2-display duel health at end-duel

3-show health during duel



on the JA+ 1.4 mod also, and cant figure out how to dsplay health, i got force straight, anyone know the command?

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ok i have jediserver server (linux) with JA+ 1.4, and started a duel server..........i got force off, but want the health at end-deul to display, like in a challenges duel with the mod (on top)

only thing is, when in duel mode (g_gametype 3) you cant challenge..........so the mod doesnt display the health........because it isnt a "locked duel".....see my problem?

is ther a reg rcon fix, or can mod do what i want it to? if so i dont know the command...........




// GamePlay Settings:

seta g_gametype 3

seta duel_fraglimit "20"

seta timelimit "60"

seta fraglimit "1"

seta g_saberLocking 0

seta g_weaponDisable "16382"

seta g_duelweaponDisable "16382"

seta g_forcePowerDisable "32765"

seta g_maxForceRank "9"

seta g_privateDuel "10"

seta g_mPlayerDuelShield "100"

seta sv_privateclients 4

seta sv_privatepassword hot

seta g_allowvote 0

seta g_automapcycle 1

seta g_showduelhealths 1



what do i add to make end-duel health show up? remeber they wont challenge, cause its a duel server...........i need to trick server into thinking the two in duel, are actually "challenging" each other............

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