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Ryan Andrus

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I'm in echo base and I'm trying to exit echo base. When i try to use the ropes where i came in, they disintegrate. What am i doing wrong!?!? Also in that room, is there anyway to open that one locked door? Thnx for any help you guys can give me.



Resident Pain in the Ass

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Echo Base II - Hoth

Move forward and drop down. You'll land on some crates with Health and a Large Shield Booster. Drop down and kill the 2 Storm Troopers and then find the only open door in this large cavern/storage area. Near the only open door is a Tripod Gun. Man it and then kill all of the enemies behind the door when they come rushing out. Follow the tunnel and you'll get to a room with 4 Storm Troopers down below in a little cut-out area. Kill them and you'll notice that you have two paths to take. Take the right path to get to a...


Secret Area: 3 Storm Troopers, Health and Small Shield Booster.


Now, take the left path. Keep moving forward killing as you go. There is Green Shield Regenerator along the way. When you get to a dead end room, notice that there is a central elevator. However, before we go up, go through the door to the elevator room and then look directly to the left. There is a small alcove with a...


Secret Area: see above.


Next, enter the elevator and go up. CHECKPOINT. You are now on the upper level of the medical area. The rooms here circle around, so find the path that leads to the Tripod Gun and several Storm Troopers. Take them/it out and continue on killing as you go. Soon, you'll get another CHECKPOINT and you'll see an Ammo Regenerator and a green door. Go through the door. Continue killing and following the only path that you can. You'll get to a room with both a Shield and Ammo Regenerator and an elevator. Take the elevator down. Continue on the path, kill, and soon you'll get to a destroyed control room area. Before you enter, SAVE. Enter and you'll get a cut scene of a bad guy with a lightsaber relaying info about Luke going to Dagobah to a certain person named, Alora...we'll meet her later. Rats! You must kill this bad guy! He is kinda tough if you're not yet good at your lightsaber. Turn on your Force Protection and go after him. I had you save right before this in case you die. After he's dead, continue on. You'll get to a cave with a Wampa. Mind Trick him then slice and dice him. You'll get to a room with a Shield and Ammo Regenerator and a CHECKPOINT.


Cut scene. You must battle Alora. Turn on your Force Protection and go at her. You just got a checkpoint so if you die, just reload the checkpoint. Just wear her down until she gives up and goes away.






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