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You can see why the Jedi were destroyed. . .

Darth MarcII

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Don't get me wrong, I admire the Jedi, but in Episode I and Episode II they seemed to be blinded tremendously. Here they were in the same room at times with the Dark Lord of The Sith, himself, and even Yoda could not sense it, though he did say that the Dark Side clouded everything. Also, the Jedi Council dismissed Qui-Gon Jinn's belief that the "mysterious attacker" who he dueled on Dantooine was a Sith Lord. Only later, after Qui-Gonn was dead, did they accept the truth, that the Sith had resurrected.


Mace Windu quickly jumps to Count Dooku's defense when Senator Amidala suspects him of her attempted assassination.


Mace Windu admits, in Yoda's presence, that the Jedi Order's ability to use The Force has diminished. Yoda does not dispute this.


What happened? Was it arrogance? Complacency? Did the absence of a challenging foe like the Sith cause the Light Jedi's abilities to begin failing?


Just interested in what you think.

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

Was it arrogance? Complacency? Did the absence of a challenging foe like the Sith cause the Light Jedi's abilities to begin failing?


With the fall of the Sith the Jedi did become arrogant, complacent and misguided. Although some Jedi did notice this and were trying to change it, Yoda for one.


The Jedi also overstep their boundries by becomming the Republic's police and getting involved in politics too much.


This all lead to the Jedis' fall as the Force was out of balance and acted to restore balance to its self.


As for the Jedi not sensing Sidious well Darth Sidious is one of the most powerful Sith Lords ever and had an extremely good knowledge of the "Dark side" of the Force. It is also known that the "darkside" was able to hide their presence just as much as the "lightside" is, it just requires mastery of the Force.

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I disagree that the Jedis' involvement in politics had anything to do with the Force being out of balance, or even necessarily with their "clouded" abilities. The Jedi are there to protect the common good, the Republic is basically a commonwealth where all races and worlds come together. Though the Republic is flawed, the Jedi hold to its basic ideals and think that safeguarding it and trying to guide it toward its essence is better than throwing all of their hard work away and starting copmpletely from scratch.


The Vatican's support of the UN is a good analogy to this. Though some of the UN's policies aren't in keeping with orthodox Catholicism, the Church supports the UN because it is something that can promote human wellfare all over the world.


The Jedi stayed out of the blockade of Naboo because both Naboo and the Trade Federation are sovereign entities represented in the Senate. When the Republic itself, and all of its values, comes under fire, it should be no surprise that the Jedi stand up for this most just system of government.

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