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Hi all.


I'm hoping to get some advice here...


I have NEVER been able to access the official forums, which is why I am in here so much...


I just keep getting an endless loop


Sign in under your station name... Ok did that.


Oops, you must be a current fan club member to access these forums... click here to sign up... ok do that...


Oh look, says my fanclub membership is complete... do you want to edit? No.... well ok sure, lets try that just to make sure...


Click on forums... Oh look says I need to be a station.com member


Repeat add nauseum...


I'm at a loss... I cant even check my account info anymore...


Can anyone tell me how to freakin start over? Or who to contact?


Yes , my account is active.


I play almost every second day.


Please please PLEASE, someone explain what I can do to fix this...


Pretend I'm a four year old.


Use small words.


I used to think I was intelligent...




DarthMaulUK, Jan, anyone.. Please =(


I need no Answers

Because I did not ask a Question

I follow no Path

Because I am not Lost



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Yes, I've owned the buggy game for a long, long time. 1 server, 1 character. (And 1 account am I the only one left? *drops a pin*)


Remember in the Old Old Days, when you died you had to retrieve your body and items Diablo2 style?


All these young whipper snapper with their Vee- hicles and Mounts =)


Remember the Old Days when we walked everywhere, uphill both ways, in the snow, with no Exploration skill to get to our personal mines?




Always been a forum Lurker here, just played more in game than I actually read about it, liked the mystery =)


Now i'm interested in reading more about others experiences in the game.


The same weird loop applies my original question, I just never really cared to track down the problem b4, and now it's vexing me that I can't figure it out.


I need no Answers

Because I did not ask a Question

I follow no Path

Because I am not Lost



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I'm pretty stupid aren't I?


I had been trying to create a new account there that had nothing to do with my Station Name =P


I'll shut up now. Thanks for the simple solution


The Emoticon below has never seemed more apt.


I need no Answers

Because I did not ask a Question

I follow no Path

Because I am not Lost



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