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Goin' back to school (why?)


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While Sark applied the medpack's contents to Silverion's wounds, Silver put his hand to his head and began to speak quietly:

'Luke Skywalker... this is... this is Silverion, I am in... injured in one of the Academy's courtyards... come... as quickly as possible...'. Then Silver fell unconscious.

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Name: Kalen Jurenthos

Age: 17

Rank: Apprentice

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Lightsaber hilt: Defender

Favoured Lightsaber style: Fast

Lightsaber colour: Blue

Birthplace: Tathon, a planet with many cities and spaceports, while the rest of the planet is white with snow

Residence: The Jedi Academy

Status: The Academy training grounds

Force Abilities:

Core Abilities: 1

Absorb: 1

Protect: 1

Mind Trick: 1

Heal: 1

Mode of transport: The Dajir, a modified version of the Z-95 Fighter, which Kalen modified personally to give it some extra features, and a new red paintjob :D

Bio: A young Jedi, learning the ways of the Force under Master Silverion's watchful eye. Though a Sith Lord named Darth Vengyroth has made Kalen believe that the Dark Side is a lot better than Light, therefore Kalen has become a traitor in Darth Vengyroth's and Joviras' service, but no-one at the Academy is aware of Kalen's betrayal to the Jedi, yet...




Kalen was in the training grounds, practicing his lightsaber skills, when he felt a tremor in the Force, and a telepathic message was sent to him...


"Joviras?" he replied to the voice

'Indeed, I am just telling you that Silverion has been deeply wounded, you will be leaving to join me soon,'

"Yes, master Joviras,"




Meanwhile, Silverion was still struggling to stay alive, even though he was unconscious, he felt something disturbing within the Force, but he couldn't make out what...

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