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My JA keeps on crashing!


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My system specs are:


ATI Radeon 9200 SE (128 mb)

320 MB RAM

850 Mhz processor

Windows XP


The problem is, when I try to join a multiplayer game, if the server has the password I'll click the join button, but then when the password box comes up I go and click it so I can type..but the game freezes up! It's got that windows box saying 'Jedi Academy MultiPlayer has encountered a problem, please send this report to blah blah blah..'


But when I join a non password-ed server, the game loads fine right until it says awaiting snapshot, then the same error occurs!


I had this problem yesterday (i got the radeon card yesterday) so I reinstallled...worked like a breeze..But now it has that stupid error!! Could someone help me? :confused:

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Try obtaining the latest ATI Drivers (3.10) from the ATI Website and also, run chkdsk /f from the start RUN option and see if there are any errors on the Hard Drive. Also try running defrag and also update to the latest patch (v1.01) if you havent already.

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Hi, Thanks for your help, it's greatly appreciated.


As for your information I have the JA patch and the latest ATI drivers (3.10). As for the /chkdsk command I don't think i'll try it right now because i'm not sure whether you mean to type that or replace the f with a C..(C is my main drive)


As for scandisk i'll give that a try


Thanks, all other help would be appreciated

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