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Guest DarthMaulUK

I signed up for 6 months - cancelled my account with 2 months to go and they kept the money - 'incase i want to come back'


If you just select 1 month, then you only pay for 1 month - so word of warning - dont extend your payment cycle unless you are prepared to stick it out until the end



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On this same topic Darth Maul UK, i cant quite remember what i signed up for at the start.


Im wondering is there any way i can check on details like this.

And also how do i go right now and cancel?.


I have spent 2 months in game, after the first month i reached a cross roads and said id quit, then i hung on to give the game one more chance, its repitive, boring and downright irritating to play.


I look forward to being free from a game im starting to feel is a burden. Its not fun, its riddled with bugs, theres very little to do except group hunt and the game annoys you at every turn.


For example, i finally thought that i had finished master marksman when i got ranged support 4, i thought great, then i was shocked to see that you then had to go and earn another 600 app xp to msater, which is easier said than done at times, so after a bit of messing around i thought i had found a way to gain app xp, but when i tried it what happened i lost 20 k combat xp, now it was my fault, but i wouldnt have done what i thought i was doing if i didnt have to do that stupid app xp thing to master which just wasnt happening no matter how i tried.



So then i said, ok thats pretty bad, but i can always go afk in Lost village of Durbin(you know the one with the porch that the sludge panthers cant get up on) and earn combat xp, it was at that moment that i said, ok forget it cancel it, if your going to just leave your character online afk just to master something you had already done your obviusly not interested in the game anymore. Ok this has expanded to a rant, but i thin youll understand darth maul uk.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Uhm, you have to teach others to get apprentice XP, not when others teach you.


Yes, your point and when did i question this?.

It was me and another player who were planning on doing what we thought was a way for us both to get app xp by teaching each other, but it didnt work, and i have already admitted that it was my fault, read the post. No it isnt a big enough reason to quit game, but the lack of content, playability and bugs are reasons to quit game.


How do i cancel?.

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