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The Jedi trials???


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Does anybody know what the Jedi trials are. They are mentioned in the films but never told what they are.


I think I am thinking about when Qui-gon is talking about anakin and yoda says he can't have 2 padawans so qui-gon says Obi-wan is ready to take the trials.


I read in another thread they involve facing your fears, so:

[*]Is that right about the trail?

[*]Is there anything eles to do in the trials?

[*]Who tests you?



I'm done

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Jedi Trials

this was the name given to the series of milestones a Jedi padawan learner had to successfully complete to earn the promotion to the status of Jedi Knight. Before the trials could begin, a student had to first construct their own lightsaber and demonstrate proficiency in wielding it, both from an offensive standpoint as well as its use in self-defense. Among the later trials was a demonstration of an individual's facility with the three aspects of the Force: alter, control, and sense. Knowledge of the Jedi Code and its application and the use of sound judgement were also key trials. Lastly, a student had to accept and complete a solo mission, without instruction or guidance from their Master. This mission could be prescribed by the Jedi Council, or it could be a past mission which demonstrated the student's ability to act alone. Only when all the trials were completed, would the Jedi Council consider a student for promotion.

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