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Playable aliens ???


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I've seen threads about space battles, and we're pretty sure that there won't be any.


But what about aliens? The Empire won't have them, most likely. Neither will the Clone Army. But what about the Rebels and the Separatists?


I haven't seen any screenshots with aliens, except for one -- an Ewok, and he was an NPC.


Militant aliens were an integral part of the Star Wars galactic civil wars...will we see any?


-- Lingo

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Originally posted by VanLingo

I've seen threads about space battles, and we're pretty sure that there won't be any.


But what about aliens? The Empire won't have them, most likely. Neither will the Clone Army. But what about the Rebels and the Separatists?


I haven't seen any screenshots with aliens, except for one -- an Ewok, and he was an NPC.


Militant aliens were an integral part of the Star Wars galactic civil wars...will we see any?


-- Lingo


I think that they were confirmed by PC Gamer UK in their preview. I seem to remember reading about it.

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Originally posted by VanLingo

I haven't seen any screenshots with aliens, except for one -- an Ewok, and he was an NPC.

Let me see that screenshot!!!! :D


I hope you can maybe play as a Wookie, or a Rodian, or a Trandoshan.... They should make bounty hunters secret weapons like they've mentioned Luke and Vader will be... So that if you hold a planet for a amount of time, you get bounty hunters!!! :D

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  • 1 year later...

Well this is closed now, but in answer to the question, apparently we have Wookiee warriors and Bothan Spies now in SWBF2 (if the beta is any indication), but only for the Rebel side. None of the included maps showed us any new "Neutral" sides though, but there are plenty of mods that make them controllable in SWBF1, so I imagine the same will happen for SWBF2 eventually, whatever they turn out to be.

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