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I apologise to anyone who reads Mapping and Modelling forums. I'm trying not to be annoying with this idioting request. But having searched the Internet and not come up with what I'm looking for, help.


I'm doing a skin, a saber and a map to decide which of the three I like best and then focus on that area.


But I can't find a decent tutorial on GDK Radiant for Mapping. I can find one on some obscure JKRadiant, which has a 3D view, but not on GDK Radiant (can't find a 3D view!).


More precisely a mapping tutorial that relates to making a stupidly simple map first and then getting it into JA.


Any help would be majorly appreciated.

Thanks and MTFBWY

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Thanks :) you're all so supportive here at LF, really appreciate it.


Managed to make a basic room yesterday (forfeited sleep, but there you go!)


I will continue to work through the tutorials (I have them book marked ;)) but I do have a question.


Why in GTK (not GDK *cough*) do the textures for JA not load correctly?


Thanks and I apologise if initially I keep bombarding you with newb questions (*can't believe he's a newb again :p*, I think they call it learning or someting)



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Radiant 1.3.12.


well, I made this simple room in JKRadiant just so I could work through a tutorial. Then I loaded it into GTK Radiant as that's what I'd like to use and none of the textures load. Each one says "texture image not found"

and yes, I tried reinstalling it once already and I've got the correct file paths. At least I believe I have *L*

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No, I selected JO from the list to try it out and it still came out as blank. Anyhow I DL-d the latest version of GTKRadiant and I hope it'll work.


No but really, none of the textures loaded from the archives (.pk3) not-a-one and I have <b>no</b> clue why.


It's an interesting journing, learning a new art :)

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