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Lonley here, isn't it?

Guest The Master

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Guest The Master

This forum need to have more posts. So I am here to liven it up like I did with the two N64 boards. So start replying! Now, where is that apprentice of mine.....

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Guest Redwing

This is the Tech center. It's for TECH PROBLEMS. It doesn't need posts to stay alive. And if you get our IP banned again for spamming, I swear...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue15

lol i still play rogue squadron on my nintendo 64-when i want a big screen, force feeback, and booming quality speakers (i got my system RIGGED!!!!) pc version accells tho since u get better graphics, framerate, features, camera that doesn't require FILM, and u get to use the at-st in ALL levels. But we still want to play n64 chicken level on pc, or at least use roguearm to fly a y-wing in it and blow the crud out of everything.





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