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My launchpad won't start...


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When I first installed it it worked and I set it up to the part where it asked for the cd-key. I didn't want to go any farther since my mom was asleep and I couldn't get her credit card (with permission) I didn't want my free month to start or anything. So I exited with the cd-key window open. The next day we (my older bro and I) had the credit card and we tried to star up the game...it showed a white place where the lauchpad picture that loads up would show...then a windows error message shows and I hit ok and it stops loading. I tried reinstalling and turning off the comp but nothing worked. I think it doesn't work either because


1 I quit when the cd-key window showed and without the cd-key it loads up and can't find it so it has an error.


2 My third disk is messed up because it asks for disk one when I put it in but when I put in disk one it it starts installing it again when it is already installed...


Plz someone help I really want to play...:headbump


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Guest DarthMaulUK

If you have uninstalled the game and maybe moved it onto another drive, your Launchpad will still be there.


The Launchpad is in a different folder - Sony Online or SOE - check for this and delete it. Also, you will need to delete it from your computers registry system.


If you do not know how to do this, post back



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Ok here is what you need to do....


Step#1 - First Uninstall the game (Dontworry about the registry).

Step#2 - Open up Windows Explorer

Step#3 - Go to Tools / Folder Options

Step#4 - Click on the "View" tab.

Step#5 - Check off "Show hidden files and folders"

Step#6 - Hit "OK"

Step#7 - Go to "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\"

Step#8 - Open up each folder and read the "Setup.ini" file in each folder till you find the Star Wars Galaxies one. (I think the folder name ends in 509 or 590 ???)

Step#9 - Delete that Folder

Step#10 - Change your Folder options back to "Do not show hidden files and folders" (if you want).

Step#11 - Reinstall SWG

Step#10 - Play the game and have fun :)

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Originally posted by TheRecreator



Ss as far as I've gotten I can't find the one with Star Wars Galaxies in that place.


I open up that setup thing that says

Setup - Configuration Settings

in all the ones that had one. Could it be one without a setup - Configuration notepad?


For Step#8 the folder name is "{88038160-9BCB-47BE-A5C3-5CE2DC115509}" if you dont have that in there then you are fine.

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ok I found it and erased it and PLAYED! I'm Syhper Stryder on Bloodfin server. (Not sure about the spelling of my guys first name)


I delete that like everytime I want to play which has been two times so far. Right now though the thing is gone but the game won't run. I think its just because I'm on the windows name I didn't play on in the first place. but the the windows nameis my bro's but I think I just need to restart my comp. Thanks for all your help!


Oh and where can I get a vehicle becuase I stuck in a city without any transportation or knowing how to find it if there is. I think I am in some place called Mos Espa I'm not sure. Syhper Stryder. (I think)

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its not working again


ok, I reinstall it then i delete that thing you told me then try to start the game but it doesn't work. It was working before...am i missing anything? I was playing just today but then when I exited an tried to play later in the day it didn't work. When i do reinstall i have to download a patch for about an hour too! I found this thing called swgclient in the main folder and it seemed to open the game but then it asked me for my account name and pass then i hit next then it says server is unavailable. plz someone help!!!

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it works now...ok first I


1) Copied the main files with the patch in it to the desktop

2) Erased the files

3) Reinstalled

4) Copied everything in the files I had pasted to desktop into the main folder

5) Erased that folder you had told me to with all the numbers as its name and started playing!


I still had to download some files but they were only 1 minute long. Hopefully this will work from now on!

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