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Linux patch???


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There are Windows version of Unix/Linux commands, including patch, here:




On either Windows or Linux the command you need to enter should be:


patch -p1 -i jamp_game-2.patch


(On Windows, either copy patch to your codemp dir, or include the path to patch in the command line)


To run make under Linux:


The patch should create a file called "Makefile" in the game directory. If you have added new files to your project, you will have to edit Makefile to include them in the list of OFILES (e.g. g_mynewfile.o)


Otherwise, change to the game directory and enter the command "make". A .so should appear.

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I downloaded the "UnxUtils.zip" from that url and I can't find where the .patch file is. Where is it?! I don't think I can really use it if it isn't even there :(


Please help me out :( What file do I need to download?


Also, how do you do this, "Otherwise, change to the game directory and enter the command "make". A .so should appear."?


I know, I'm a newbie, but I'm getting there ;):cool:


I hope.

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You could download this instead: http://homepage.mac.com/shadowboxer/unxutils.exe which will install automatically.


The program you need is patch.exe, with which you can appy jamp_game2.patch


However, I've just tried it, and it's not co-operating.


Opening up jamp_game2.patch in a text editor, reading through it and making the changes manually may be your best bet if you've already been editing the code.


Grab "Makefile" from Trimbo's universal SDK, and put it in codemp\game


If you have Linux (and if you're a coder and don't have Linux - WHY NOT? :p), build your code by booting Linux, changing the directory to codemp/game and entering the command "make".


I've got to go now, but I may return to quarrel with patch.exe later.

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SO, I could just do this (using Windows XP Professional):

1. download Trimbo's universal sdk

2. unzip it

3. cut and paste the "Makefile" to my codemp/game directory

4. Compile my code like I normally would


And get a .so file of my mode in the codemp/game directory that would work in linux???


Is this what I have to do, if not please tell me EXACTALY what I have to do to make my server side mode a .so file.


Too bad I'm on a trip right now and can't test it :(


thanks in advance

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If you have Linux (and if you're a coder and don't have Linux - WHY NOT? :p), build your code by booting Linux, changing the directory to codemp/game and entering the command "make".


Because I haven't seen a reason to yet. What does linux have that's worth dealing with dual boot for?

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Because I haven't seen a reason to yet. What does linux have that's worth dealing with dual boot for?




We could have a Holy War here :D


Well, I personnally use Linux for...


Stability (granted, WinXP is a huge improvement)


The Bash shell - I find it particularly useful for coding, and of course scripting


Focus-Under-Mouse window managers (the need to have active windows on top in Windows REALLY annoys me)


A few nice GPL programs like GIMP


Better resource management (again, XP is an improvement - but is a memory hog)


The sheer joy of doodling at a low level with an OS :p


Security (how many Linux worms or viruses can you name?)


Obviously, Linux tends to excel in non-desktop roles, such as servers. I'm currently building a broadband firewall/router from a minimalist Linux distro.


Anyway, does this mean you need a volunteer to do Linux work for OJP? :)

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Originally posted by MasterSidious

SO, I could just do this (using Windows XP Professional):

1. download Trimbo's universal sdk

2. unzip it

3. cut and paste the "Makefile" to my codemp/game directory

4. Compile my code like I normally would


And get a .so file of my mode in the codemp/game directory that would work in linux???


You need to be using Linux when you compile.


I tell you what, if you email me your source (zipped please), I'll make a .so for you. I'll pm you my email address.

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