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Bespin, Air Shaft, stuck


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Ok, I know I am supposed to float up on the air currents, I am on that platform and I can hear the air going up in intervals, but I can't seem to stay afloat. Is there some patern I need to do or certain areas I need to walk towards. I'm gettin really frustrated and I can't seem to find anything more detailed than "float up to the top and you can use force push to push off enemies" plz help.

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Generally with the Air Shafts (don't we just love them?) is that you need to get almost in the middle in order to get the full thrust but of course, make sure you know where you're aiming for first and then use the best Force Jump you have by then to start the leap upwards.


Best I can do I'm afraid. As with many of the puzzles in JK, if you can't work it out in your head then it's trial and error. Just keep at it (some puzzles/battles can take 10 or more attempts) and eventually you'll succeed.



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