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Mysterious Screen Shots

Finakin Brel

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I was checking out http://www.starwarsknights.com and found screenshots that seem to baffle me. I have no idea how or where some of them take place and I have played the game a lot. For example:


Where does this take place?





How did they get this droid on Taris?





I have other similar questions, but those are the two I am hoping to find answers to first, thanks!

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9, 10, 11 would probably be just beauty shots, and doubtful it would be actual gameplay.


As for 7, 27 & 12, they dont look like any level sections i remember. Though its hard to tell with the Sith base, as they all look much the same.


Maybe there are some levels left out, maybe unfinished at time of release or coming in an expansion pack. Who knows


I take it people have checked for hidden levels?


That reminds me, though off topic slightly, In the Space Station level, is there a way into the left and right doors that say locked? There just seems there should be more to that level.

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Nah there's nothing left on Yavin then Suvan.


The screenies seem to be from korriban. The architecture is pretty similar to the dresdae colony(the exterior). The lighting is also similar to dresdae exterior(observation made when Ebon Hawk is flying into the spaceport).


Perhaps it was in the beta version of the game and they simply deleted the place.


Release an x-pack with it so we can see :p


EDIT: Nevermind, I think it'S the Beta version of Korriban. Look at number 27. You can clearly see 2 sith standing in front of a pair of gammoreans.

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  • 2 months later...

the devs also used a galaxy droid program that let them take their characters to any planet they wanted to w/any of the characters. its still in the game, at least the xbox version, cus i got it once and i had a level 20 character and went to taris. but their were no quests to complete as you had already been their.

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Originally posted by Doom_Dealer

Believe me! there all jsut screenshots from beta testing, and besides you can warp to taris at any time, so they could of go the shots from their.


Dude, when you leave Taris from Davik's hanger it gets blown up by Malak's ship... you can't just return to it, it's gone, it doesn't exist anymore then

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  • 2 weeks later...

the program they used just warped them to any level, they could even go to the endar spire and taris. i dont know how it worked for them but when i got the glitch i went to taris and everything was their, just all the quests i did before when i was on taris were done already.

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