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I wish romance meant something, more...


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Like some sort of bonus when you're both melee fighters or an extra attack when covering each other using ranged weapons or a boost or rage when one characte goes down. Or even a new animation that lets you walk hand in hand. Or some unprompted non-interupting dialogue('the moons look lovely today'). just a thought...

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AS a huge religious fundamentalist, I will sue you for saying such obsene things :p


lol no seriously I don't see much point in doing all of that. The romance do mean something though...well Bastilla's at least. It's the easiest way to get her back to the light side on the star forge. As for carth well...you love him and he loves you...


But hey, Bastilla's a Jedi, she can't be seen walking hand in hand with you. And if you're playing a female character, you're a Jedi, you can't be seen walking hand in hand with Carth. Simple...

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One of the points is that you fight better together, you protect each other, deflect blaster bolts aimed at each others backs etc. Your abilities grow to compliment eachother.


As a jedi eyebrows may be raised but no ones going to do anything since jedis are pushovers until you commit genocide on a large enough scale. As a sith most will be too scared to say anything and the rest will be too busy trying to find a way to turn your relationship into a weapon against you.


You people are making a big deal about the hand in hand walking, is it really that weird? For me its a small thing, and I really want to see it because I have yet to see character interaction that complex in a videogame(except maybe ico).

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Well, you're fighting to save the galaxy. I think everyone in their right mind would leave the mushy stuff until they finally are safe to do what they want.


Walking hand in hand is not weird from a cinematic point of vue but in-game? Is there a point? I can understand why you could get bonuses or something but walking hand in hand has no real point and people will just know you two are into something.


Your Jedi Master will be yelling at you to control your emotions and the Sith WILL use that to their advantage.


Besides, Bastilla already doesn't want to just kiss you, imagine if she wants to walk hand in hand with you.


And Carth is way too distant and whining, thinking about his dead wife to even consider getting into anything deep until you've finished the game.

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Normaly I'd agree about having no time for romance durring times of galactic wars of conquest and anniliation(I hate when this happens in movies). Isn't this the normal state of affairs in the starwars universe?

Enough about hand holding! God, I almost wish i hadn't brought it up!

I don't think my Jedi master would be yelling, s/he'd pull me to the side to try and deliver some hormone deadening lecture that if I argued, would raise far enough above a whisper to give others around us enough info to guess what the argument was about, and then something would come up, making the master have to coutine the argument later after of course he delivers his main argument point. Then the scene would shift to some unnessacery effect, an then it would shift to the sith or another major subplot.


As for the sith, what are they going to do? They couldn't easily kidnap Bastila. And even then they couldn't be sure what I'd do, I am dark lord of the sith after all. Her presence strengthens me and he death would only fuel my rage, even if I happen to be the one that kills her in order to kill the fools that thought to turn something so precious to me against me! And I'd scream this repeatly as I personaly cleansed their Homeworlds of all life more complex than a corrinthian slug!


And just for the record I hate Carth.

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Originally posted by CrimsonTwilight

This might work in a sequal, but I can't see walking hand-in-hand before the end of the storyline.

i doubt that the sequel would do anything like that with Bastilla/


or Carth/


because it would negate all customization we did in KOTOR and thus only only ending and choice would become official. Similar to the Jedi Knight series because if you turn the Darkside Jan dies and well MOTS an JO can't happen.

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