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Guns, Stormtroopers, ... Vs Sabers...


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Why basic blasters are always so low powered and impractical

in JK games ?? (high firerate, absurdly slow projectiles, very bad

accuracy and practically no damage...) only "usefull" guns are

those huge cannons and such which have explosive effect...) ?


Why sabers are so much more effective in comparison... ??


Why imperial stormtroopers and such (professional soldiers)

are so weak... ?? (in movies when they appear its time to go

but in games single saber/gun guy runs around killing them

like nothing...)

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Practice the art of "aiming" and even the simplest blaster can be effective. Hit them in the right place once and their gone. Alternatively, the Disruptor Rifle eliminates them from afar and chances are those around your target won't notice a person missing!


Personally I quite like jumping into a group of storm troopers and taking them all out with a saber/staff. Shames the Imperials :D

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Another thing is that very few soldiers are trained to defend against a lightsaber-weilding opponent. As one Stormtrooper said on Vjun:


I've never even seen a lightsaber. Lets hope we never have to.


But the blasters do seem very underpowered in SP and MP. In the movies, any blaster shot would usually kill on impact. Except for a few exceptions, like when Leia was blasted on Endor.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

Another thing is that very few soldiers are trained to defend against a lightsaber-weilding opponent. As one Stormtrooper said on Vjun:


I've never even seen a lightsaber. Lets hope we never have to.
Best line in the whole game. I laughed out loud when I heard that.


Originally posted by TK8252MJL

But the blasters do seem very underpowered in SP and MP. In the movies, any blaster shot would usually kill on impact. Except for a few exceptions, like when Leia was blasted on Endor.

This is true, and I'd like to see guns do a bit more damage, especially since the lightsaber is so useful against them. If an enemy gets a shot through my defense, then I should pay the price.


That being said, a charged blaster shot to the head does do some damage :)

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Originally posted by Kengo

Its in keeping with the movies too - one skilled guy with a saber can wreck havoc on even a large force of gun wielding opponents...


And you think its true to movies that:


1. Blaster pistols and rifles fire like machine guns...


2. Blaster bolts fly so slow that you may be able to

fire 50 of them before first shot hits anything...


3. Blaster bolts doesn't seem to make any damage

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Originally posted by AJL

And you think its true to movies that:


1. Blaster pistols and rifles fire like machine guns...


2. Blaster bolts fly so slow that you may be able to

fire 50 of them before first shot hits anything...


3. Blaster bolts doesn't seem to make any damage




I think they had to keep gameplay balance issues in mind too, if basic guns were super powerful then what need would there be for more than like two?


The pistol doesn't fire like a machine gun in the game, its really slow even without charge up. Its also *lethal* with charge up, often being a one hit kill on storm troopers. I admit, the yellow blast is a bit silly.


The rifle is I guess a bit off, with the full auto mode, but thats so inaccurate anyway. Its not quite as powerful as in the films either, but a few solid hits is enough, admittedly not one.


For me the wonderful sound work for the weapons, the good modelling and skinning of them and just the overall ambience gave it a very film-like feel for me. It's not totally accurate I admit, but its good enough for me.


I certainly think the saber should remian as deadly as ever, and frankly more deadly in MP if anything.

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because the people with guns were so easy to kill in sp doesn't mean real people are. well, actually those jedi vs mercs, its almost impossible for mercs to win, but in full force full weapon servers, the person who uses guns excels. just wait till they swing their saber to shoot, and their history. humans don't have that same uncanny ability to push and dodge everything like the reborns can. sure you can force push, but not when its coming from almost point blank. and sneaking up and using the blasterrifle kills the person before he has time to really turn around and realize whats hitting him.

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Well the principal of the traditional FPS in Single Player is that you're Rambo, and the enemies you face are "Unamed Thug #'s 1-5000".


Why do they do it that way? Well it's easier not having to make every enemy you face your equal, and second it's far less frustrating, and makes you feel like "the hero." In the movies the heros have what we like to call "character shields." They're kept alive and kicking because the movie would be short and boring if they just died or went into a coma as a normal human would in real life in the situations they get into.


The only way to simulate movie "character shields" in a game is to make you have more health, armor, ammo, weapons, etc than everybody else (except for the Big Bad Boss TM you fight in the final showdown).


That said, Multiplayer the idea is balance. You take the stuff from the game (and the movies) but you sacrafice realism and "cinema" for the sake of balance.


In the movies the heroes never get killed in battle (except for Obi-Wan and QuiGon, but then only at the end of the movie they're in, and they come back as Jedi Spirits). The bad guys always miss them or only give them flesh wounds. Conversely, the good guys kill every bad guy in one shot, they never miss (unless it's the Big Bad Guy, saving him for the final showdown). The good guys never get tired, never have to go to the bathroom and never run out of ammo (unless it's a setup for a dramatic scene).


In a game that just wouldn't be any fun.


And the BlasTech and ST Rifle can actually be powerful weapons if you use them correctly, even against a saberist.

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