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What is a saving throw?


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Nice self-answer. KotOR hides more of the D&D mechanics than did BG or NWN. So you aren't thinking so much about your 'to hit' and AC modifiers and such.


But nonetheless, it is all backed by the little hamsters (I think one is named Boo ;) ) inside your PC rolling dice like madmen. You attack and they defend - with a roll. You cast a power and they attempt to resist - with a roll.



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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

No one actually...

Well, perhaps explicitly none of us do, but implicitly we all do - you know that a crystal combination that is +7 to hit is better than +4, and 2d8 physical damage is better than 1d8 ... and so on.


But it is not like in NWN where you can decide what spells to cast based on the type of your enemy and whether they are more likely to make a Fortitude, Will or Reflex save ...



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  • 4 weeks later...

The good thing about the D&D system with KOTOR is that you dont really have to worry about it for lesser oppenents, but if your worried about someone (IE Malek) you can focus on what rolls are going to help more against certain saving throws etc...


PS- Thanks for bolding those SAT words

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