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Majin Boba Fett

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I just play old fashioned RM. All the scens suck because 1) the host edited it for his/her benefit 2) It sucks period or 3) no instructions


A while ago, if I was really bored, I'd play a round of this "city build" thing. Quite amusing really...


I remember there was this one scen I liked. It was called Beast Wars or somesuch. You spawned animals (like Nexu, Rancor, ect) and attacked.

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History lesson for the day.


City builds were once casual. The only triggers were for resources.

No disabled Air Cruisers. No hosts with super units. The games were fair.


Then some people got tired of getting smoked every game.


So they stole the main idea of the Senate games and gave themselves a few super units. Thus ending the point of city builds.


Then the old, better, versions of city builds turned into "Diplomacy" games. And they exist, rarely.


I'd like to know what exactly the point of a Senate game is. Seriously, what's the point? This is Battlegrounds. You're supposed to fight. And when you have a super powered host, you can RARELY win. All that happens is the host gets pissed when he says something like: "ooh, let's have a gay jedi council meeting!" And if you don't go, he toasts your planet. You really never have a chance. And it's sad people make games like that. It shows how bad they really suck and how much time and effort they have to put into a game to fix it so that they win.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I back pbguy about the scenerios 100%. OK, I personally think that they are pointless, stupid, and typically tilted towards the host, but I feel that, since its your game, you can do what you damn well please. But, why I hate scenerios, and waged a war against them 2 years ago (literally), is cause they killed the community. GO BACK TO YOUR FREAKING ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leave the RM room, and I dont care what you do. But as long as you stay there, you are ruining the game further, a game that I like a lot, so I take it as a personal offense.


Ditto to saberhagen's comment, BTW.

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Yeah, I remember one time there was a group of people try to get the scnes in the scen room.


the M+'s need to like make up a new rule about playing games in the correct rooms, and enforcing it, but I don't play on the zone much anymore, so I don't care that much.

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