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Holo and grinding


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Holocrons rihght now are giving you the information ... to master a profession to reach,.... enlightenment (being a jedi)


now you have to master several holo's to become a jedi.

some have mastered 8 professions the holo's told them.



holo grinding are the people who grind.. their way up a profession fast so they can go on with the next holo.



for one thing you can recognize a holo grinder in the form of all the frikken AFK dancers and musicians in cantina's. i hate NPC cantina''s now. no small talk and stuff... only AFK people.

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you can also suspect holo grinders by their total lack of control when group leading or their extreme need for charging in, killing everything in site when on hunts. I often 'examine' the invidual in question and 9 times out of 10 they have mastered 7 or 8 widely different proffessions.


They can be dangerous folk to be associated with as they only crave xp. Not fun or roleplaying.


Or holo master doctors (im an MD so its relevent to myself). They are the ones who run around with master doc tag on, giving bad buffs, bringing down the hard to earn good reputation of the proffession and asking you silly questions like, what do you use your driod for?.....


So if you want to look at it another way.... most jedi;s will be holo grinders with no clue whatso ever as to the complexities of most proffessions and are only interested in running around with a light saber.



(flame suit on and zipped up full)

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i so agree with you ho-ta. im a doc myself... and i do it for the love of thr profession. and spend loads of cash on good recources. only to find these docs that dont give a **** about people. i hate those.


and group hunting should be TEAM hunting. waiting for eachother. helping eachother out.

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So, like, I was on Dantooine and I went to the Jedi Ruins to like, get a Holocron to see what it was all about, and like i got the holo and it told me, like, master entertainer, and I was like....no.


It was about then that I realized what a waste it is, to try for a Jedi. Just play the game as a swordsman or fencer or something; that's cool.


I also see Commandos doing 10k dmg like mad, with rockets and flamers, so...a single blast from a Commando can rip apart just about anything. Saber Sh'maber!


God, I'm bored.

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I stop in to the forums from time to time and i can't help but find myself reading either sob stories, or wanna be intelectual speakings from some bitter SWG reject. LISTEN... the game is meant to be played, and played however way each individual see's fit. So why don't people stop whining about the rules that dev's change, and why don't people stop complaining about the way other people play. And to the big mouth that complains about holo grinders.... KISS MY A$$, i happen to be one of those people you talk about, yah, the ones with 7 or 8 masters. Actually it's 11, i got them all from hard work and many hours, just cause you don't have the willpower or the dedication most of us "evil holo grinders" do, doesn't mean you have to hate the world. I feel sorry for you people who choose to bash on eachother because they don't like the EXACT way the game is.... well, GET OVER IT.... cause the last time i checked, you didn't work for lucasarts now did ya. The forums are meant for questions to be asked and answered by somebody with a decent answer. So stop using them to spread hate, and log on, grind some xp, and maybe you just might be happy... sooner or later.

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happy? me? you coulndt prolyl find a happier guy in SWG then me.

and grinding make the game more fun? when did this happen? im out of it for one day and it does???


so you master every single profession in the game.... wow and now your happy. and bored cause there are no challenges anymore.


and you maybe a jedi.. wow... a novice pistoleer can still kick your ass. and being a jedi .... arent there enough games for that??


and yeah wow... people in the cantina are so nice talkative.. really nice chatty (AFK) people...


ooo yeah i go out hunting with a guy cause he needs me to get high missions. he fires even before he asks me if im ready for it.. we both get killed and the reason he didnt ask caus: he would get more xp cause he needs it for holo grinding.... wow yeah amazing fun.


yeah i think your right.. grinding DOES make me happy.



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Thought I might jump in on the fight.


As for holo grinders. There are GOOD ones and there are the annoying kind. The cantinas that I have been in, normally half the people are not idle. I took up entertainer so I could heal my clanmates minds during battle. When asking for an invite to the group, nearly 9 out of the 10 in the group messaged me to tell me who the leader, and to pst to him and get an invite.


Now for Dant. They sit in the cantina, have auto-macros perform flourishes for them and have an auto-shout saying to heal them if they are low on action, and to invite them into a group if they are not in one. Now that is annoying.


As for what was said 2 posts up. I do agree, it is a game, and the way the person wants to experience it is his/her choice.


My personal opinion: Ignore the holo grinders. Just remember that you are grasping the full experience of the game that none of these ever will get. Also, to make you feel better about this issue, just think of when they get jedi, and they have no idea how to use/level up with a jedi, since they spent all that time grinding. Also, remember half of these people are going to be the saber swinging ones in a city and get their asses whipped by a TKA, or a Commando.


Ignore it, laugh at them. They are paying $15 a month to NOT play a game.

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Or holo master doctors (im an MD so its relevent to myself). They are the ones who run around with master doc tag on, giving bad buffs, bringing down the hard to earn good reputation of the proffession and asking you silly questions like, what do you use your driod for?.....


Eh. That's not always true. I've come across some docs that give bad buffs. What happened to them? Once a few bad buffs were giving the people exposed them. Hence, they were sitting their begging for people to get buffed, while the hard working doctor sat with his driod giving the best buffs for the best price.


Imo, they aren't killing your rep, unless the bad buff givers outway the hard working doctors on your server.


As for the bloodfin server, the bad buff docs are usually never seen giving buffs again. And the good docs, have one long line.

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ok all i got a ? for ya is there any known patern yet example im on my 3rd holo (1st Master Carbineer 2nd Master Doc )

and 3rd said Master pikeman any1 else have this patern and if so can u help me out 2 get a jump on my 4th and hope my last want 2 get this b4 they jack it all up ya'know tyvm all :)






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Originally posted by DarthLord

ok all i got a ? for ya is there any known patern yet example im on my 3rd holo (1st Master Carbineer 2nd Master Doc )

and 3rd said Master pikeman any1 else have this patern and if so can u help me out 2 get a jump on my 4th and hope my last want 2 get this b4 they jack it all up ya'know tyvm all :)







Don't really think its a pattern. I've seen someone have to get master tailor, to master droid engineer. As for pikeman, find a lance or pike with a fast attack speed, and go on a bunch of vor hunts with groups. Remember, xp is now based on how much damage you do to a creature/lair (aside from creature handler xp), so you gotta find something that will take a while to kill, and that won't kill you. So try vor hunting @ the Dantoinne Mining Outpost, find a group with some CHs in it (so the vors will be occupied with the creatures rather than you), get buffed, and go get that xp.

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