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I´m desperately lost with this thing, the Twin-Guybrush..what

shall I do with Him..? He´s not PegNose-Pete and he gives me

a rope, a rubber-chicken , a skull key for gate and the gun..


I don´t have a clue what to do as I have talked with him all

my subjects and opened the gate he shroves off the screen..

When I try to follow him or getting at north (in the gate) happen

s a timeparadox and I´ll be transmitted at the start of swamp..


This is really annoying me off as I´ve tried to give back the items

my twin gave me, but that´s not possible ! Why O´Why ?


Please tell me what to do, I want to capture PegNose-Pete !!




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The whole thing is a time-travelling thingamabob. After future-Guybrush talked to you and gave you the stuff you do the same with him (after going through the gate, I think) only this time the roles are reversed. You have to give him the answers he gave you before and hand over the items he gave you in the same order.

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