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I had the same problem trying to decide but I went whith SWG since Ive always been a fan of movies depends though.

I list the pros and cons for each game.



Pros:Has little bugs,has great story line.

Cons:Game terain size is about half of what one planet in SWG,

people arent nice to noobs,limeted jobs,crafting syestem.



Pros:Is a massively multi-player online game based off star wars,

lots of custimization,great community of players,uniqe leveling syestem.

Cons:Tons of bugs,no star ships until expansion releas,you have to watch players called entertainers that heal you battle fatigue.

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I think SWG too.



Pros: Has great people, nice to newbies, player cities, wonderful ingame locations.

Cons: A few bugs, Overcrowded cities.



Pros: Magic?

Cons: Boring, hard to remember names (i.e villages etc), the people are just standing around all time trying to get XP so they can be SUPA HAxxORs!""!!!


I really didnt like FFXI, waste of money.

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its quite hard to differ them becuase they're too completly different genres, sure they're both MMORPGs but one is Fantasy and one is Sci-Fi.

ive seen countless arguements about the pros and cons of both genres.

Also it was quite silly to ask here since the majority of us play SWG and are obviously going to say that. (majority not all)

i myself am going to give up SWG for a little while, not forever, and go play FXI for a month oe two. just to see whats its like.


One thing than destroys the SWG is the bugs problem, is SOE wasnt so stupid and actually CARED about its game they would take the time to fix the bugs and not release additions that make classes/factions totally suck (my friends Commando got totally screwed becuase of the DoT change).

It also shows that SOE will just throw rubbish into the game and people will sit happily and take it in becuase "Hey, its Star Wars, and even if their are bugs SOE actually care about the game and will fix them before they give me 10 more megs of bugs"


Sure, the game is good and everything, i have almost nothing against the game, just the retards who made it.


Im trying to stay as neutral as i can, so when i play FFXI for a while ill come and badmouth it :p


One thing i can tell ya though, worldpasses are their idea of "keeping servers from being overpopulated" if you want to choose what serveryou go to (say a friend is there) you must enter a world pass (acheived in game, ask a friend for one )

Luckily for me my friends on Phoenix have a world pass for me :D

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I had the same problem too...Star Wars Galaxies is better.


This is what I've learned from my old Final Fantasys which I stopped after playing since FF7. I played to FF10 but I've never finished a FF game. Sorry got carried away


Star Wars better in my opinion, from my information from sources. (Back of Box) I have Star Wars but not FF11

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