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Stuck at the final battle


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hello everybody



i'm stuck ont the final battle. I don't have any force power able to destroy the lethargics jedis, and, of course, malak recharges himself each time I hit him. This is impossible to manage, I don't even succeed in removing a quarter of his life... I'm really stuck here, I would like to add a force power able to kill the jedis, but my last savegame is too far to be able to gain another force power...


help please, I really don't want to start another game being at the final fight in order to see the end ! :o:(





oh, and please do not pay attention to mistakes, english isn't my native language...

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Ok depending on your level(which normally should be 20) it shouldn't be that hard to beat malak. Use the stims, shields and whatever offensive melee feat you have.

It's very doable combined with the other force powers(unless somehow you haven't been very thorough and are stuck at something like lvl 17 then you're doomed).

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I don't see how you wouldnt have at least one power that can destroy them unless you leveled a lot before you became jedi, you can use ANY offensive force power to get rid of them(force throw/whirlwind/wave, force choke, drain life, force storm, etc.). But like they said you can still do it, it will just take much longer and will be near impossible if you don't have at least 50 medpacks(i'm not kidding, I tried it the hard way after I beat it the regular way). Good Luck :)

edit-well you won't need that many if you have force heal and a lot of FP's.

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Actually you can't use any offensive force powers on them. Force Wave doesn't work and neither does force choke.


I suggest you kill the dead Jedi, unless you're a good saberist with only defensive and stat enhancing maxed out force powers, it's gonna be hard. Besides, by this time you should have a decent number of life support pack(normally around 20, more if you bought some). I usually save them up for the fight against Malak. Let him attack you twice then use one life support pack(depending on your amount of hp, it might be wise to use one earlier instead).

Stims are also great. If you've used your stims wisely, you've probably saved up a few Echani Battle Stims or Hyper Battle Stims. Now is a good time to use them.

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I had the same problem as you. Fortunately I had 40 med packs and 20 advanced medpaks, I ended up using them all! I was a long hard battle, but very satisfying when I finally beat him.


Do you have any mines? I sold most of mine towards the end of the game for some big $$$, cuz I never used them, but always recovered them. Anyways, I had 7 or 8 powerful mines left and a few flash mines. What you do is when you first enter the room and there’s kind of a long walk to malak but he doesn’t attack: set up all your mines here in a concentrated area, drop 2 side by side move forward abit and repeat until you've used them all. Put the most powerful ones near the door you just came through, flash mine closest to malak. Don't use the minefield until Malak has sucked off the last Jedi, then retreat to the door, Malak will try to force jump the mines but will land right on the deadly ones. It took just over half his life when I did this, if you have a crap load of 'em it should kill him instantly. Just keep em close together but far enough apart that he cant jump past them. Don't put them to close to the door for obvious reasons.


The only other advice I can give that hasn't already been given is Save often! Every time you get a good hit in and have a reasonable amount of health, save. And dont use quick save, save to a new slot everytime. Retreat and use those medpaks constantly. pause lots and asess the situation. Don't overuse critical strikes, heck, don't use them at all, they lower your defence. Use/equip anything you have that will up yor dexterity, Malaks very hard to hit, and when he hits you you're have way dead.


Another thing, he likes to stand around and use throw saber when you're far away, use this to your advantage. If yous gots some sticky bombs or freeze grenades and some thermal detonators or plama grenades use 'em. Once he's frozen you can get at least 2 grenade hits for like 20 damage each. the best time to do this is when he prances away to suck off a jedi, get some distance, when he's done he always stands there for a few seconds.


Hope that helps a bit. I know how frustrating it is.

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Originally posted by UndyingSamurai

Beat him Macho Style without destroying the comatose Jedi. Be a MAN. It's though but at the end you really feel like the DARK LORD OF THE SITH or THE CHAMPION OF LIGHT. Keep those Life Support packs! Master Flurry him and Critical Strike him!


I beat his ass throughout all eight recharges, without using a single medpac... I was a light side mastery scoundrel/consular with a wisdom rating of 31 (+5 on circlet of saresh, +5 on star forge robes) so my heal replenished my health pool without a problem and my force pool regenerated like mad... I just used heal, force immunity, and master speed, and chopped his ass... with my ridiculously high wisdom rating he was also almost unable to save against my force wave attacks so I literally threw him all around the room as he tried to keep himself alive...


as the darkside master I had a strength of 24 and a constitution of 24 (again several big-boost items I was wearing) and I did a whooping 14-46 damage with my Heart of the Guardian saber and 13-42 damage with my Mantle of the Force saber. It took like two to three attacks per recharge to get him to recharge again, while he could never kill me with my 380 hitpoints :D

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