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Carbineer or Bounty Hunter


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Well im at the point where i need to choose and dont know whihc one i want. i dont really like pistols or rifles and usually only use the carbine guns. i hear alot of good things about being a bounty hunter but since i only use the carbine guns i wasnt sure if being a carbineer would be better.


I just wanted to know what are the strong and weak points of both for my sit.... (and i wont do pistols at all if i do bounty hunter... hate the piistols) :biggs:

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I went with Carbineer til I got Charge Shot 1 and Crippling shot. I already had decent CH skills so doing this was quite easy with the aid of my greater sludge panthers. Then I mastered marksman and went up the Carbine tree of Bounty Hunter.


I'm darn near invincible in PvE.

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Carbineers get to play with...carbines. There's a few missions you can go on for a certain pirate, and the final prize is a rather nifty carbine...that sadly sounds like a shotgun instead of some zappy Star Wars weapon. On the upside, Crippling Shot can deal out the same amount of damage as an AT-ST.


Bounty Hunters get to play with carbines. And pistols. And lightning. And fire. Thanks to the Fett family, there's some actual content for them in the game. Or so I'm told, not having done BH myself. The scatter pistol also sounds like a shotgun, but apparently it's so much better than any other pistol in the game that noone cares.


Joking aside, until the next publish I suggest BH. Feel free to use any leftover skill points to improve on the bounty hunter's carbine skills, however. Many BHs get some carbineer and/or pistoleer in, when they don't bother with novice medic to heal themselves during battle.


I mastered carbineer. Not long after, I decided it was a broken profession. The special attacks are HAMkillers and they don't all seem to work properly anyway. So, I started switching to pistoleer because that at least attacks Health instead of Action. Now I read the next publish is fixing Carbineer. D'oh!


Edited to add: And Infiltrator is THE coolest title in the game. ;)

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