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Ideas for Kotor 2

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

The thing is you ARE the center of the universe in KotOR. You're the last Jedi remember? You might have love relationships with humans and NPCs. Humans with Aliens is just creepy.


hey, don't dis the half-elves. They have feelings too.

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I think the ideas are already being implented, but yeah, more bosses and stuff like that... I'm tired of Sith looking all like Reborns from JO/JA.


And damn, I'm curious to know what happened to Revan... apparently, we're gonna find out in KOTOR: Sith Lords.


Oh yeah, the Lightsaber hilts. In KOTOR they were just such simple and all looked the same, they should be more unique.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

The thing is you ARE the center of the universe in KotOR. You're the last Jedi remember? You might have love relationships with humans and NPCs. Humans with Aliens is just creepy.


In KOTOR2? You're not the last Jedi...you're the last Jedi in the Outer Rims...

And who sez relationships have to be all about love...

Gotta love Mincs...Gotta love them all....


The thing is - you DON'T have to be the center of the universe...I'll be satisfied if I'm a shiny star... But it's up to the DEV's

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I'm pretty sure you'll get some love relationship with some character

Actually, I believe the devs said that there is no love relationship this time around. They will be more of the master/apprentice type.
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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

That would be a shame if there isn't any. I'd love to have a relationship with Mira, the tight-pants wearing female bounty hunter:D


You mean the one with the Wrist Rocket Launcher, right?


Yeah, a romance option with her would be cool... and it would make you feel a lot safer! :D

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