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for scouts I always go with toughness, dueling, and critical strike ranges of feats. If I have the opportunity to get some other feats I go for either the conditioning or empathy feat...


as for ability scores I usually go:


str 12

dex 16

con 10

int 12

wis 12

char 14


or something like that anyway

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I always boost the wisdom and intelligence of my scout. It's useful for your skills and replaces the empathy feat healing-wise.


Toughness is a must along with dueling(is it truly worth it to play with two weapons as a scout? I don't think so). Flurry is also good here.


I would go for:


str 10

dex 16

con 10

intel 14

wis 14

char 12


But that's just me :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by toenail1

i focused on power strike (i just like ot the best), but otherwise, go with what you want, its hard to make a "crappy" character in this game, its an easy game


oh, and toughness helps for scouts to survive a little longer ;)


IT's harder if you play it on HARD.Especialy as a consular.

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  • 4 weeks later...

With scouts i tend to go for dueling, critical strike, implants, toughness and conditioning . Since i usually play guardian i tend to have plenty to go round


and for abilities I usually go for:


str 14

dex 16

con 12

int 8

wis 14

char 12


i dont really use skills on my pc so int wasn't important i then usually put the extra points gained into wisdom and bump it up with items and increase con with cardio package? con +4 which i think gives aout 270 vps with toughness lv2

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