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PA Faction Membership


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you want a working example?


my guild.

The Affiliates on Starsider.


we are a neutral guild and everyone in the guild has the free choise to join any faction. i myself am imp. one of my other leaders is rebel.

the set rules we have is. never kill eachother out of faction differences. the ones that dp get reprimeanded once 2nd time get kicked. simple.

so far we had 2 incidents. the first time was a guy that left us soon after that. and the other was actually a members brother that just killed everyone and thing on sight :)


its possible. but i must say you must trust your members and respect them. do that and they will respect you :)


Wraith 8

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

you want a working example?


my guild.

The Affiliates on Starsider.


we are a neutral guild and everyone in the guild has the free choise to join any faction. i myself am imp. one of my other leaders is rebel.

the set rules we have is. never kill eachother out of faction differences. the ones that dp get reprimeanded once 2nd time get kicked. simple.

so far we had 2 incidents. the first time was a guy that left us soon after that. and the other was actually a members brother that just killed everyone and thing on sight :)


its possible. but i must say you must trust your members and respect them. do that and they will respect you :)


Wraith 8


Dunno how you guys do it. I guarentee if their was a big imp vs reb fight, I'd probably accidentally kill some of my members.

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