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I left Planetside a little while ago, and I would want to subscribe to a MMORPG again... It would be stupid to resubscribe to Planetside, as they removed my account :rolleyes: ... The game was getting boring anyway ;)


I'm intrested in this game, and I have some questions:


- Are there only three vehicles? No combat vehicle? How are we supposed to fight, or go to another city... ?


- Are there many europeans playing on the euro servers ? I can suppose, seeing the number of american server, that there must be a whole lot of players playing SWG, but are those only americans ?

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Eeh... I just browsed a bit in the forums...

Look at the previous thread:


Some bugs have been fixed but theres a whole host of other issues currently.


Galaxies is moving at a very slow pace. Its taken them months to introduce the imperial crack down, and as some forumers have pointed out, doesnt work all too well.


If they are SERIOUS about getting more people back to play Galaxies - they need to improve Customer service, and move the time line forward to Hoth.


The space expansion *might* include this but thats months away and do players really want to shell out more money to play yet another SOE game still in beta stages?





It isnt very positive, is it ?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I am not very positive about Galaxies at all. Others will argue the facts but no one has come up with any decent arguements to make Galaxies a worthy game to play.


Thousands have left the game for various reasons, hence buddy programs and the re-activation of old accounts to get people back playing.


Final Fantasy seems to be decent and has a good track record but avoid anything with SOE on the label (like planetside)


If you are a Star wars fan, this game WILL disappoint as its about as close to Star Wars as the TV show Friends is. Its taken months, but they are now introducing the Imperial crack down but you will be hard pushed to find any Star wars content in the game



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Well, to tell you the truth, i played SWG when it was first released on retail. I loved the game, but hated the bugs. The gameplay in SWG is great. However, i was an artisan, and everything about the artisan was buggy. I've played FFXI, and Planetside. FFXI was nothing compared to SWG. There was no real craft system, the areas were REALLY REALLY small compared to SWG. Plus...they dont add much often.


Star Wars Galaxies was and is, a good game, but it didnt have a very good base to start out on. (technology wise) But SOE is probably doing everything they can to fix all of it.


...or maybe i'm being naive :p


either way, if there were no bugs it would be one of the best MMORPGs, ever.

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

I am not very positive about Galaxies at all. Others will argue the facts but no one has come up with any decent arguements to make Galaxies a worthy game to play.


Thousands have left the game for various reasons, hence buddy programs and the re-activation of old accounts to get people back playing.


Final Fantasy seems to be decent and has a good track record but avoid anything with SOE on the label (like planetside)


If you are a Star wars fan, this game WILL disappoint as its about as close to Star Wars as the TV show Friends is. Its taken months, but they are now introducing the Imperial crack down but you will be hard pushed to find any Star wars content in the game




It's a GAME. If someone so hardcore with Star Wars that the game doesn't meet their needs, they need to really get back to reality.


I'm a star wars fan. This game is fine. Knights of the Old Republic was good too imo.


Most people bitch about bugs and such, but those people will always hate games and/or be miserable, since your are NOT going to find a game that won't have bugs or 'disappoints' you.


"be hard pushed to find any Star wars content in the game"

Yeah, you just have to ignore the planets, the ewoks, the swoop bikes/speeders, the jawas, the creatures, the stormtroopers, the NPCs, the species, the weapons, the catinas, and just about everything else, and then you'll find no Star Wars content. Saying there's no Star Wars content in a Star Wars game is like saying they released a game where your in an empty box and can't do anything.


It has bugs, so what. If they released it any later, they'd have an assload of catching up to do, as well as trying to update graphics/gameplay/sound to meet todays standards. Remember Daikatana? They slaved over the game for a good 3 years ridding it of bugs and perfecting it. The game came out. Graphics were horrible, and so was gameplay compared to the games that just came out with bugs.


The result? The company went out of business.


SWG is a game. It has bugs. Deal with it. If you don't like it, then I'd stop playing mmorpgs all together, and go play Daikatana.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I wouldnt call that a decent arguement. Its just more or less a flame.



Name areas where you will actually do a proper star wars mission and I dont mean simple go to point A, then B then to C collecting stupid worthless items.


Fact - theres none.


This game has been in development 3 years with a creative team lacking in erm... creativity.


Yes games have bugs but you are not paying $14 a month for that and it seems to have too many bugs and alot of beta testers said about hundreds of issues, that were washed under the carpet.


I totally understand the game developement process etc as I work in the industry. However, SOE banked on the fact it was a Star wars game and would sell. Thankfully, people in Europe havent fallen for that trick as much as the USA did


So lets see some actual constructive positive things about Galaxies.


1) Community

Not sure about now, but when I played it, it was excellent. All pulled together and made it fun and the pvps were brilliant with major raids

2) drawn a blank


And not so positive

1) game is still in beta

2) too many bugs

3) player cities have killed pvp

4) no content

5) too much grinding to achieve small targets

6) timeline moving too slowly

7) costs too much for what it is

8) no thought into 'Cries Of Alderaan' - supposed to be monthly! 3 acts since June (SOE must have a different calendar)

9) SOE Customer support sucks


All this is from my playing experience and those of others.



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I'm happy everyone gives his point of view, but lets try not to turn this in a political war ;) .


I am not a hardcore starwars fan, I just wanna look out for a new MMORPG.

If you think I shouldn't buy this, can you rather explain me what is worse to this game compared to other MMORPG's ?

DarthMaulUK says all SOE games should be avoided, and since he's supermoderator (didn't saw that before) he should have a lot of experience with the game...

More people wanna give advice ?

Ow btw, does the previous post means that there is a decent number of european people playing SWG ?

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

I wouldnt call that a decent arguement. Its just more or less a flame.



Name areas where you will actually do a proper star wars mission and I dont mean simple go to point A, then B then to C collecting stupid worthless items.


Fact - theres none.


This game has been in development 3 years with a creative team lacking in erm... creativity.


Yes games have bugs but you are not paying $14 a month for that and it seems to have too many bugs and alot of beta testers said about hundreds of issues, that were washed under the carpet.


I totally understand the game developement process etc as I work in the industry. However, SOE banked on the fact it was a Star wars game and would sell. Thankfully, people in Europe havent fallen for that trick as much as the USA did


So lets see some actual constructive positive things about Galaxies.


1) Community

Not sure about now, but when I played it, it was excellent. All pulled together and made it fun and the pvps were brilliant with major raids

2) drawn a blank


And not so positive

1) game is still in beta

2) too many bugs

3) player cities have killed pvp

4) no content

5) too much grinding to achieve small targets

6) timeline moving too slowly

7) costs too much for what it is

8) no thought into 'Cries Of Alderaan' - supposed to be monthly! 3 acts since June (SOE must have a different calendar)

9) SOE Customer support sucks


All this is from my playing experience and those of others.




It started out as a flame, but I realized you had some good points.


I do agree with you on there are no proper star wars missions. That was the point I was missing when you claimed the game contains no "Star Wars" content.


My main basis on the game is the enjoyment you get out of it. I enjoy the game. I try to get the most out of it.


The timeline is going slow, but at least its not at a hault (Planetside). In my opinion, **** the grinders. They are paying $14 a month to not be at their computers. Their loss. Guarentee once they get jedi, they will wave their lightsaber around and die.



I got into the game during Cries of Alderaan. So I do not have much knowledge there, due to the fact I was still learning the game and running around killing worrts.


Bugs are there, but you get used to it. All games will have bugs like I said before. It's just how much emphasis you put onto them, you just gotta try not to let them bother you.


Player cities are what I really ignore. Half the time, they are undeveloped crap.


SOE Customer Support I agree with you on. So many times have I lost items during travel. Make a report, and nothing happens. Yes I got my travel pack back. The result, I lost my current pack when the first one came back, and lost all the items in it.


SWG only costs too much if you don't put the time into it. I play for a good 8-12 hours a day (Sad, but I've been a hardcore gamer for the last 6 years). Grinders its a waste of money. For the bugs, they should drop the price a little, but like I said before it doesn't bother me.


Positive Parts of SWG (in my opinion)

- The community (as you have said)

- The vast amount of professions

- The worlds, and variety of creatures


But as you have said, their isn't really much star wars content. I agree with you on that. I read before, that someone said they should add infiltration missions.


Another thing I think they should add is some more NPC conversations between eachother. If your coming up on an imp or reb base, you should be able to hear them say something like "Did you hear that?" "Yea, lets check it out". Etc. You get my point.


Thank you for clearing up the confusion of what you meant.

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Originally posted by tremex

I'm happy everyone gives his point of view, but lets try not to turn this in a political war ;) .


I am not a hardcore starwars fan, I just wanna look out for a new MMORPG.

If you think I shouldn't buy this, can you rather explain me what is worse to this game compared to other MMORPG's ?

DarthMaulUK says all SOE games should be avoided, and since he's supermoderator (didn't saw that before) he should have a lot of experience with the game...

More people wanna give advice ?

Ow btw, does the previous post means that there is a decent number of european people playing SWG ?


SOE hasn't had the greatest reputation. Planetside blew ass. Was fun for a while, but they never fixed the bugs, and then released an expansion pack that was half way developed. And expected people to pay for it, when it should've been a publish.


As for SWG, I like it. DarthMaulUK does have some good points about the game, but it's really what you make of it. I've read over 100 good and bad reviews of the game. The good reviews out-numbered the bad reviews, so I decided to give it a shot. I wasn't disappointed either.


Only thing is, I would only get this game if you have a good graphics card, and broadband. Currently run the game at 1600x1200 with all graphics options on full, on a decent computer, with boston acoustic speakers. So the full effect of the game is what I am getting out of it. Others may have a different experience with the game.


What you should do is read these forums for opinions on the game, goto ebgames.com and gamespot.com, read all the reviews. Then make your decision.


If you buy the game, and don't like it, you've only lost $40. Sell it on ebay as a bid starting at $40. I've seen the game on ebay with the bid getting up to $100. You get a free month to start out with, and can cancel during that free month with no charge to your card.


Give it a shot, is my advice.

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Guest DarthMaulUK



We have a good debate ongoing here!


I wouldnt call 70-78% good reviews, merely average. Especially if you read some of the comments about the game itself.


Galaxies does have a superb interface and a very easy learning curve. But the bugs do out do the plus factors. I was a master merchant - a very busy one - and was always losing stock.


Months ago when SOE did the massive patch fix, and basically replaced lost items, I had 340 items replaced in a back pack. However, that caused even more problems for me, as i had no room in my store to remove items, or open anything.


If you check for previous posts of mine, I had a lot of crashes to desktop problems, caused by the games poor programing for Pixel shading etc.


After 6 months almost of problems, i gave up and I cant ever seen me returning unless someone else takes over running the game


Oh and dont let the fact that Im a Super Mod scare you off having good arguements - i love them - providing that they are constructive :-)




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