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Ask Stupid Question, Get Stupid Answer


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Originally posted by ZBomber

...Why aren't you gone?


Q: Why isn't he gone?! :(


A: Maybe he enjoys posting on a Star Wars forum. It's a bit of a stretch, eh Z?



Jesus, lay off the guy. Stop being an asswipe and leave him the hell alone. All you are doing is leaving an opening for flaming and trolling, which is against the forum rules.


We all know you're going through puberty Z, and feel the need to exert your awesome dominance, to prove your manhood, but howsabout' making people feel welcome instead of following their trail of posts, making yourself look like an idiot?

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

A: Maybe he enjoys posting on a Star Wars forum. It's a bit of a stretch, eh Z?



Jesus, lay off the guy. Stop being an asswipe and leave him the hell alone. All you are doing is leaving an opening for flaming and trolling, which is against the forum rules.


We all know you're going through puberty Z, and feel the need to exert your awesome dominance, to prove your manhood, but howsabout' making people feel welcome instead of following their trail of posts, making yourself look like an idiot?




Pherhaps you missed the thread? He made this huge deal about leaving, and calling us geeks for going to this forum. NOW, it appears he can't resist this forum.


I'm not trolling/flaming... I am asking a simple question. I don't wanna be played, I wanna know the truth. If you say you are gonna leave, fine, leave. If you say you are gonna stay, go ahead.


Oh, btw, nice example!


We all know you're going through puberty Z, and feel the need to exert your awesome dominance, to prove your manhood,


You're right, flaming is bad, I must be the only one who does it. :rolleyes:


Good job there. I bet you feel important now!


(Really, it's pretty funny. You make this big deal out of me asking a question, tell me not to flame, and then end your post with a flame regarding my age. I'm sure all of the admins are very proud. :thumbsup: )

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Well, actually, the point was that i was leaving the Swamp, not the entire forum, jsut to get away from the Swampies that annoyed the hell out of me.


I only returned to the swamp to vote for president and insult Age of Empires two.


You seem to be awfully disappointed that i'm not gone, and therefore i take more pleasure in staying :D


Q: shall we finally get back on the 'topic'?

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

Well, actually, the point was that i was leaving the Swamp, not the entire forum, jsut to get away from the Swampies that annoyed the hell out of me.


I only returned to the swamp to vote for president and insult Age of Empires two.


You seem to be awfully disappointed that i'm not gone, and therefore i take more pleasure in staying :D


Q: shall we finally get back on the 'topic'?


No, I'm not disapointed. i was just suprised. And I didn't know you just meant the swamp, you just said you were leaving for a while.


A: I don't care, I never liked the topic anyways :indif:


Q: Will ckc ever respond to my post?

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A: not if i do so first...


The thing is, at first, i intended to leave LF first, but some of the people that weren't stupidness incarnated (I'm not naming anybody) talked some sense into me, and managed to get me out of myblind rage. Well, not very blind. And not very Rage either. But the point is, i visit LF again, but only in the places most swampies don't go to offer the illusion of me being gone.


Besides, i don't like those guys anymore...


Q: Are you psychic? (SP?)

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Not meant as a flame Z. You are going though puberty, aren't ya?



And why the hell do you feel the need to judge and inquire about what others do? Why do YOU feel "played" because some dude said he was leaving, and you found him posting somewhere else? Is this your message board? Is it your job to "stalk" users to see if they live up to their talk?


C'mon now Z, it's obvious the dude wants to post, so leave it at that. He may have said things he didn't mean, but leave him be.

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

Not meant as a flame Z. You are going though puberty, aren't ya?



And why the hell do you feel the need to judge and inquire about what others do? Why do YOU feel "played" because some dude said he was leaving, and you found him posting somewhere else? Is this your message board? Is it your job to "stalk" users to see if they live up to their talk?


C'mon now Z, it's obvious the dude wants to post, so leave it at that. He may have said things he didn't mean, but leave him be.


My awesome dominance to prove my manhood? Sorry, I've never gone through that, it's probably only something that has happened to you.



Why do feel the need to judge and iquire? Well, I've been here for 2 years. I feel like I'm a big part of this community (Before you take that the wrong way, I mean I feel I'm known, and that my opinion is heard.... I hope). Well, I was just trying to wonder why he was still here. He said he was going, i believed him. So, when he told me he only meant the swamp, I understood. I was asking a simple question, when all of the sudden, you get all over my case.


Lol, I stalk people now? I've been coming to these Star Wars forums since it opened. Is it my fault I'm trying to help these forums stay active?


Yes, it's obivous he wants to post. I'm fine with that. After he said he only isn't gonna post in the swamp, did you see me giving him anymore trouble? I know what's happening now, and I'm fine with it, and I think Doom is fine with what I said earlier. So why are you still going on about it? Let's just drop the subject.


A: There is the I-roxorz-your-boxers punch!


Q: What exactly IS the I-roxorz-your-boxors punch?!

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A: short version: I said i was going to leave, Z saw me here, was confused, people defended me, and we lived happily ever after.


even shorter: it doesn't matter, it's over now.


Q: Why didn't someone tell em of a new starwars TV series?

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